Chapter 7

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[weeks later]

Iris~"Hurry! You'll be late!"

Timothy~" I'm going god!"

I was rushing out the door. my first day at my work and I'm already late. great. just great.

I made it to a music place were I have started working. I walked in about two minutes late but whatever.

Manager~" your 3 minutes late."

Timothy~" sorry sir won't happen again"

Manager~ "ok well do you know what to do?"

Timothy~ "yes sir they told me what to do lat time I came."

Manager~ "ok well get started I'm gonna leave in a couple of minutes and I expect greatness"

Timothy~ "you won't be disappointed."

Ugh! this job is so boring! honestly barely my one comes to a music place. well at least I don't have to work that hard.

A few hours after I started a guy I knowers well walked in.

Blaze~"hey I ne......"

He stopped what he was saying as soon as he saw me

Timothy~ "yea what do you need me to help you with?"

Blaze~ "I didn't know you worked here emo kid...I mean Timmy? right?"

Timothy~ " u...umm it's Timothy but you can call me Timmy if you want."

Blaze~ "um Timothy. I didn't know you worked here. I come here almost every day for guitar practice, Marc shows me."

Timothy~ "well I just started working here today. I didn't know you played guitar."

Blaze~ "yea well I kinda hid it from people so they don't think I'm soft or anything."

Timothy~ "oh yes I forgot your supposed to be this big bad strong 18 year old."

Blaze~ "yea in school that's what I am but really I'm not like that. but people can't know that or they will make fun of me."

Timothy~ "yea I know I have been myself an ever since I started high school, for being myself people have judged me. you in the other hand won't be able to handle all that hate. your used to being the bully not being bullied.

Blaze~ "well don't make me look that bad! I can be nice."

Timothy~ "yea to who?"

Blaze~ "you know what I don't even know why I'm talking to you."

Timothy~ "probably cause you know it's true and you're dying to be your real self."

He just roles his eyes and walked out. I know. something and that's who he really is.....

~flash back~

We were both about 5-6 and were the bestest of friends, the kind of friends you could trust and tell everything to. blaze lived right next door to me and every day I would rush home from school eat a snack and go to his house to play.We went through all elementary school together. he was my only companion.

I'm middle school we were close but we started drifting apart slowly I could tell but he couldn't. he was turning into one of the popular ones, and I was left behind. Out first year in high school was when he was accepted to be in football was when it all changed. He started going to parts, started picking on other kids. that's when I lost my best friend.

~back to reality~

Random lady~ "sir hello I kinda need you to charge me for this"

Timothy~ "oh sorry ma'am I wasn't paying attention"

Lady~ "I can tell... is this your first day?"

Timothy~ "yes and it's pretty easy."

Lady~ "oh well hopefully you can stay here"

After work I to iris (yea still kinda living there)

I walked into a silent house. not a single noise was heard anywhere.

Strange usually iris is here by now?

She probably stopped to buy grosheri or something.

I went by the kitchen and grabbed a bag of Doritos and went up to my room.

Taking my phone from my pocket I noticed I had a few texts from people

Mom- hey can we talk we feel very sorry

Emily- mom and dad are feeling sorry for what they did..... if I were you don't forgive them.

Iris- gonna get home late had to do something with Daniel see you around 10 xxx

Well that's unexpected for my parents to want to apologies after all they've done to me... hmm who knows what they probably are being serious. maybe not guess I'm just gonna have to let fate decide what's going to happen with me and my parents.

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