Chapter 15

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Looking at the screen of my laptop I scrolled down all the different possible hotels we could stay at. they were all pretty pricey, so finding one that we could actually pay wasn't that easy. I found many different hotel rooms we could afford, they seemed pretty cool. I also had shifted my look for hotel rooms to houses that could be payed. eventually I found a pretty cool house. I thought it was pretty but to be able to pay for it we would a few people to come with us. I decided to save that and wait till iris came home to see what she would think about it. maybe we could gets a few of her friends to tag along and we could pay for it.

Timothy~ "so if you get some of your friends to tag along with us we could be able to pay that house."

Iris~ "omg! ok yes ill ask faith and Ireland and sydney want to go!"

Timothy~ "haha ok ill ask Blake if he want to come to."

Iris~ "ok well ill ask them tomorrow at school"

Timothy~ "and ill ask Blake at work."

Iris stooge up to go put grace to bed. since he had been holding her since I told her about my plan. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed some thing to drink for me and iris, and some chips. walking back to the living room I sat the things down and turned the tv on. me and iris ended up watching tv and she fell asleep so I had to carry her back to we room. I checked on Grace on last time before going into my own room and falling asleep.

Timothy~ "hey Blake me and iris were thinking and we wanted to know if you wanted to come with us and a few of iris friends to Daytona beach for a couple of days?"

Blake~ "um I'd love to when are we going?"

Timothy~ "well I was thinking of leaving next weekend."

Blake~ "ok. well just tell me if you need help with anything."

Timothy~ "ok thanks"


We were sitting at the lunch table talking when I remember I haven't told them about going to Daytona with me and Timothy.

Iris~ "hey guys me and Timothy were thinking and we wanted to know if you'll wanted to go with us to Daytona?"

Faith~ "that would be cool I guess. I would be able to be away from my parents for a while.... sure ill go"

Sydney~ "omg I'd love to! yea ill go that would be so much fun"

Ireland~ "um idk depends if I can take Kaiden can go...cause I won't be able to find a baby sitter that fast."

Iris~ "of course they will be able to go!"

Ireland~ "yea ill go."

Iris~ "ok yay well I was thinking about leaving next week just to give everyone time to pack and get ready."

Faith~ "ok"

Lunch was over and we said our goodbyes before taking our separate ways to our next class. except faith she had photography with me. so we walked together.


Closing up me and Blake took our separate ways to go to our cars. he eventually followed me since he wanted to come visit grace. today was Iris's last day of school so I wanted to take her out somewhere. Maybe I'm not really sure yet.

I got home and walked in said hey to Rylee who was putting a sleepy iris to bed. I thanked her for taking car of her and told her she could leave. Blake knocked on the door as she was about to leave and she opened revealing a Blake with hands full of stuffed animals and baby toys.

Timothy~ "well hey what's all that?"

Blake~ "oh you know just some things for baby grace."

Timothy~ "you gonna spoil her. you know that right?"

Blake~ "I don't care.."

Timothy~ "well she's asleep wanna put them in her room or wait till she wakes up so she can see them?"

Blake~ "ill just wait I wanna see her expression."

Timothy~ "ok want something to eat?"

Blake~ "sure I'm starving."

Timothy~ "well come help me make something"

He frowned walking into the kitchen and graving things to make a sandwich.

Timothy~ "hey Blake."

Blake~ "yea?"

Timothy~ "can you take care of grace for a while I wanna take iris out somewhere."

Blake~ "sure I'd love to"

Timothy~ "thanks"

I decided it would be cool to go out to a park and just talk. we haven't done that in a long time. I waited for iris to get home and told her to come with me that we were going to go out. she was confused but agreed saying bye to Blake who was varying a half asleep grace in his arms.


Wanted to give my friend a shout out to @syd_woods2730 she's writing this story called "love has no cost" if you can please go and see what you think that would be great.

Please comment/vote what you think. I would love to know what y'all think about my story.

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