Avoiding You

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*Scott's POV* 

I'm trying to avoid Mitch as much as possible because I am still worried about how this whole situation is going and I just want to be by myself, alone in my bedroom, without anyone disturbing me or getting in my way.

So as soon as I get home, I simply just ran straight to my bedroom, locked the door, so no one can come in even though Mitch is the only one that can come in since Mitch and I are the only people that live in this house and I lied flat down on my bed, so my face is facing my pillow. Then I quickly recapped what happened today.

So Mitch and I finally met Kirstie after our very long summer holiday, then we found out that we have two new classmates in our class ,Kevin and Avi, which are perfectly normal and they seem perfectly fine. Well of course until that happened. Then I found out that Kirstie has a crush on Avi and Avi has a crush on Kirstie. Then I tried to avoid talking to everyone which I don't even know why I did that and now I am here, laying face down on my pillow. Wow, it has just been the first day of school and so many things have already happened.

'Hello? Scott? You in there?' yelled Mitch outside my bedroom, oh he is back, right. I didn't even hear him open the front door or him walking up the stairs to my bedroom.

'Hello? Open your door Scott,' said Mitch while banging the door a few times.

'Omg...' I hear Mitch murmur under his breath. After a few seconds, my phone rang, right, so now he knows I'm in here, well at least he knows my phone is in here and he knows that I always bring my phone with me whenever I go. I grabbed my phone to see who texted me even though I knew it has to be Mitch but I still checked it anyways and of course, it was Mitch, like I didn't know that.

Mitch: Scott, answer your door.

Mitch: I know you are in there. So don't act like you are not. Well of course you know that I am in my bedroom, my phone just rang and you heard it rang outside the door, so I am definitely in my bedroom right now. I mean what would you expect me to do, leave my phone in my bedroom behind me? That's just ridiculous. Why would I do that?

Scott: Please. Just leave me alone.

Mitch: Why? Why should I leave you alone? What's wrong with you? You have been avoid us for the whole day. Would you at least let me in or say something to me? Anything?

Scott: Please, I'm begging you, Mitch. Nothing's wrong with me. Nothing at all. I just want to be left alone right now. So could you please leave me alone for a while? 

Mitch: It's been the whole day, not a while Scott. Starting from Lunch until now.

Scott: Fine, at least for another hour.

Mitch: Okay, fine, I will leave you not because I think that you are okay, but because you told me to do so, so I will be in my bedroom right now, so just come in if you need me.

Scott: Thanks for understanding.

Well I am glad that he understands. 


*Kirstie's POV*

First day of school was so fun! I finally get to meet my friends and we also met two new students from our class and became friends as well.

So once I got home, I took a quick shower and changed into my work out clothes since I do cross country every once in a while. I haven't done one in a really long time since I was quite busy getting ready for school and other things, but I am free today after school, so why not go work out. And maybe I should ask Scott and Mitch if they want to come with me.

Kirstie: Hey! You guys wanna go do some cross country with me?

Mitch: No thanks, you can go do some yourself. I'm really tired right now.

Kirstie: Oh, well then what about Scott?

Mitch: He probably doesn't want to since he wants to be alone...

Kirstie: Why? 

Mitch: I don't know, he just locked himself in his bedroom as if he was in prison and won't even talk to me. Oh, well isn't that just weird. Wonder what's wrong with him.

Kirstie: Oh...well I hope is he fine after a while. 

Mitch: Yeah, I hope so too.

Kirstie: Anyways, bye, gotta go now.

Mitch: Okay, bye. See you tomorrow at school.

Kirstie: Kay, see you.

So I guess it's just me.

<during cross country>

So I ran out my house and started to do my little work out. Ah...just love the autumn breeze, it just feels so good. I mean who doesn't like the autumn breeze.

'Hey Kirstie, it that you?' I heard a familiar voice say. And it's Avi. What is he doing here anyways?

'Hey Avi!' I said while giving him a warm smile.

'Hey, what are you doing here? Oh and nice outfit,' he complimented me which made me blush a little.

'Oh, you know, just doing a little run like I always do. And thanks for the compliment,' I replied back. He is just so generous and perfect. Wait Kirstie, stay focus on your running and not on Avi. Why is it so hard to concentrate! Dang it, maybe this work out isn't a good idea after all, or is it? Ugh...I honestly don't know.

'Oh, same for me. Anyways, I am going to continue with my run now, so maybe see you later?' asked Avi.

'Yeah sure, go ahead,' I replied while watching him run ahead of me and getting further away from me.

Well, I am alone again. Ugh, why is the weather getting so hot all of a sudden, I should have brought my water bottle out with me, sweat is starting to drip down my face, I'm so thirsty. I don't feel so well. I can't see straight. I can't walk straight. My vision is starting to fade to blackness. Then, I heard a loud bang. 

A/N Hey! What's up you guys! Hope you enjoyed it and make sure to vote, comment and share my book! STAY FCUTE!

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