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Scott's POV

I have been trying my best to avoid Mitch for the whole day now. I don't really know what happened to me, but somehow I just can't communicate with him or look him straight in the eye.

'Hey Scott! How was the weekend?' Kirstie asked as she walked up to me cutting my thoughts.

'Oh hi Kit Kat, it was fine I guess,' I replied.

'Oh okay. So you are still coming to my place after school right?' she asked. Oh yah, I nearly forgot about that.

'Of course, see you after school,' I said as I went to my first class which is English. Good thing we are not in the same class or it would be really awkward for us.


Kirstie's POV 

So my first class is chemistry, which means I could see Avi! Too bad he couldn't be my lab partner.

'Hey Kate,' I said to my lab partner which is also one of my best friends.

'Hi Kirstie, did you know we are changing seats today?' She asked.

'Oh really?' I said, I didn't know that.

'Yah, which means we couldn't sit next to each other any more,' she said with a sad face.

'Oh no, I really want to sit with you,' I said as the teacher came in.

'Okay class listen up,' Mr Williams said as he walked in.

'Since the first term has ended, we are going to be changing seats today, so look at the seating plan and sit in your new seats,' he said lazily as he showed us our new seating plan on the screen projector. I scanned through the seating plan and realised that my seat is still the same seat, which means I don't have to move seats, but who is my new lap partner?

'Hey Kirstie, guess we are lab partners now,' Avi said as he sat down next to me. Oh! So he is going to be my new lap partner, cool!

'Oh hey Avi, we are lab partners now,' I said with a smile.  Well I guess that the second term won't be that bad after all.

<time flies until after school>

School has finally ended and Scott and I are walking to my place and we will talk about whatever he wants to talk about  yesterday.

'So what do you want to talk about?' I asked as we went in my bedroom and sat down on my bed next to each other.

'Um, look. A few days ago, Mitch and I had a little fight. Well, not fight. You know what, I don't even know. Things are just so complicated,' he said as tears start falling down from his eyes.

'Aw, come here big guy,' I said. 

'So what exactly happened between you guys,' I said seeing that he calmed down.

'Well, it was that night when you and Avi had your dinner together, well um 'dinner' and Mitch and I were watching television and we were just sitting there and then I was scared because I don't know how the dinner would go and then...' Scott ranted.

'Woah woah woah! Slow down,' I said as he took deep breaths.

'So basically, Mitch hugged me and I don't know why, but I started blushing. And when he saw that I was blushing, he teased me and I kinda shouted at him after that. I don't know what exactly happened, but all I know is that I screwed up and now I can't even talk to him,' he said while drying his tears with his sleeve.

'It's going to be okay, everything will turn back to normal very soon,' I said giving him a smile.

'Thanks Kirstie, I am feeling so much better now,' Scott said smiling back at me.

'You're welcome.'

A/N Hey pentaholics!!! Sorry for the really short chapter, I will be updating the next chapter very soon (probably next week or something). Hope you liked the chapter and don't forget to vote, comment and share! STAY FCUTE!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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