The Truth

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*Scott's POV*

<one week later>

Gah! I can't take this anymore! Clearly Kirstie has a huge crush on Avi and Avi has a huge crush on Kirstie. Everyone knows that because it is so obvious, well of course except for them since they think that their crush won't like them back which is not true. They just keep staring at each other in school and it has been one week now and it is starting to get ridiculous. You know what, today when school ends, I will tell Kirstie that Avi has a crush on her no matter what my brain tells me to do.


<times flies until school ended>

*Kirstie's POV*

What a day! I am so tired right now, maybe I should go home. Oh wait, I still need to return my book that I just borrowed a few days ago from the library. Argh, guess I can go home after I return the book since today is when it is due.

I went into my car and put down my bags on the passenger seat. Just when I was about to start my car I got a text message. I pulled out my phone and checked who texted me and it is Scott.

Scott: Hey! What's up!

Kirstie: Oh I was just about to go the  library and return the books.

Scott: Oh okay, so are you free after you go to the library and return the books?

Kirstie: Yeah, why? Why would he ask me if I am free?  That weird.

Scott: Oh I just wanted to tell you something, so can I come to your place later? Um, I wonder what he wants to tell me...

Kirstie: Sure, so you what to meet up at five?

Scoot: Yeah sure, see you at five. Bye.

Kirstie: Bye.

Guess I will just have to wait until it's five o'clock to find out what Scott wants to tell me. Oh well, guess I will need to be patient, great.


<at 4:30>

Okay! So now I will just have to go home and see what is Scott's big news. I don't know why, but I feel like something bad is going to happen or just something unusual is going to happen later on today but I just don't know what. Maybe I am just imagine things, ugh, I don't even know. Oh, I better get going now or I'm going to arrive home late.

<20 minutes later>

Okay, so Scott is probably on his way here since there is still ten more minutes until it is five o'clock, so I will just wait in my bedroom and finish my homework.

When I walked into my house, Olaf and Pascal ran towards me immediately. They are just so cute!

'Well hello there, looks like someone is hungry, let me get you some food,' I said while hugging them.

I quickly grabbed some dog food from the kitchen and poured it into their food bowl, then I went upstairs to my bedroom.

Once I walked into my bedroom, I saw Scott sitting on my bed waving at me.

'Looks like you are early. For once in your life. Guess there is a first time for everything and why are you so early anyways? How did you even get in my house? Are you about to tell me something really important, like really important, like really really really...' I said making me sound like an idiot.

'Um, first chill. I am just early, Kirstie. There is no need to freak out about it. Second, I came in the house using your spare key that is under your front door mat. Third, I am going to tell you something really important, so sit down.' Scott said cutting me off and gesturing to me to sit down on my bed.

'So, what are you going to tell me?' I asked while sitting down next to Scott.

'I just wanted to tell you that I know someone has a crush,' he said with a smirk. Oh no, does he knows about my crush on Avi? Oh no. Okay Kirstie, just act normal and don't make it too obvious.

'Um Scott, you know I don't have a crush,' I said while blushing a little.

'I didn't say you have a crush Kirstie,' he rolled his eyes. Wait, what?

'What do you mean?' I asked.

'Someone has a crush on you,' he said while pointing at me. So someone has a crush on me, I wonder who that could be. It is definitely not Avi since it is not possible, but it would be nice to have your crush to like you back.

'Well who is it?' I asked curious of who it could be.

'Have a guess,' Scott said. Ugh, of course he needs me to guess when clearly he knows that I hate guessing.

'Do I have to? I mean you could just tell me, it would make life so much easier,' I frowned.

'Well if you want to know who that person is, you have to guess,' he said. I rolled my eyes at him. I really hate guessing.

'Oh come on, just take a guess already!' begged Scott.

'Please,' Scott said while using his puppy eyes. Dang it, he knows that I couldn't resist them.

'Fine! I will guess,' I said giving up.

'Yeah!' Scott cheered.

'So is it Mitch?' I said.

'No, you know he is too gay to like you,' he replied.

'Um true, do I know that person?' I asked.

'Yes you do,' he nodded his head.

'Am I close with him?' I asked again.

'Yes, I'm pretty sure you are,' he said. I wonder who that could be, could it be...No is it not possible, he won't like you back, but I will just try and make sure. I mean there could still be a little hope...

'Is it Avi?' I said while blushing furiously.

'Bingo! Avi has a crush on you!' he said. Wait, so Avi likes me? Oh my gosh...he actually does?

'But how do you know that?' I asked.

'Um, it's pretty obvious that he has a crush on you, literally everyone knows that except you,' he said.

'Oh and the fact that you have a crush on Avi is also very obvious,' he said with a cheeky grin. Oh no, is it actually that obvious?

'It is really that obvious?' I asked while blushing deep red.

'That's right strawberry! And you should also ask him out too, you two would make a cute couple,' he smirked.

'What?! Are you mad? That is way too early and you know what happened to me last time. And I really don't want that to happen to me again,' I exclaimed.

'It's okay Kirstie. Avi is a great person he wouldn't do that to you,' he said while calming me down.

'Are you sure?' I asked.

'Yes I am very sure of that,' he replied with a warm smile.

'Well okay then, but don't you dare try to make us closer,' I glared at him.

'Okay I won't, so I got to go now. Guess I will see you tomorrow?' Scott said while standing up.

'Yeah sure, see you tomorrow at school,' I said.

'Okay bye!' He said while going out of my bedroom.

A/N Hey pentaholics! Sorry for not updating in a really long time. I was really busy with school and had no time to update. Hope you guys enjoy my book and don't forget to vote, comment and share! STAY FCUTE!

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