How It All Started

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*Avi's POV*

What was that loud thud? What could have made that loud thud? I turned around to see what made that sound but instead, I saw Kirstie fainted on the floor. Oh no, she must have gotten a sunstroke and fainted. I have to ice her head right now or it will get worse. Guess I will have to carry her to my place and ice her head and I better be quick. So I quickly carried her up and started running towards my house. Good thing she is light and I can run fast.

<at Avi's house>

When I reached my house, I quickly laid Kirstie down on my couch and went to get some ice from the fridge. I ran the kitchen, got some ice and placed it on Kirstie's forehead. Gosh she is so cute, wait Avi, focus. I just hope she gets better soon. After all the running, I feel really thirsty, so I went to get some water and left Kirstie alone on the couch.

<a few minutes later>

*Kirstie's POV*

What just happened? Why does my forehead feel so cold? Wait...where are I? Oh no, where am I? Why am I here?

'Hello?' I said hoping for an answer. I slowly sat up straight and looked around me. Why do I feel so sick? What happened anyways? And how did I even get here?

'Kirstie, you are awake now,' I heard a familiar voice say. Who could that be? Is sounds like Avi. Hang I at Avi's house? Omg, how did I get here?

'Do you feel better now? Here, have some water, it will make you fell better,' said Avi while slowly sitting next to me and handing me a cup of water. 

'What happened? Why am I here?' I asked while taking the cup of water and sipping on it.

'Oh, you fainted just now, so I brought you here and iced your head,' he said while rubbing the back of his neck and blushing slightly.

'O-oh, thank you,' I replied while trying to hide my blush. Okay, so I have to admit that I might have a little tiny crush on him even though I know that he will never like me back and probably has a girlfriend already since he is so freaking perfect. Ugh, why does he have to be so perfect? 

'Um, Kirstie? Are you okay? You have been staring at me for the last two minutes,' said Avi while waving his hand in front of me. Oh no, I was staring at him for the last two minutes and didn't even realise that. Well this is embarrassing. Why am I blushing so badly? 

'Um, I'm sorry. I was j-just thinking,' I stuttered while avoiding eye contact with Avi. Wow, good job Kirstie, good job for trying to think of the worse excuse to stare at someone and good job for embarrassing yourself in front of your crush. Just good job. Now, he will probably hate you forever and never like you back. What was I thinking.

'Okay,' Avi giggled. Gosh he is so cute when he does that. Omg Kirstie, stop doing that. Ow, my stomach hurts so badly. I laid back down on the couch and continued resting.

'Oh, you feeling alright?' asked Avi while leaning over me to check if I'm okay.

'Not really, I still feel a little sick,' I replied softly while rubbing my stomach.

'Maybe you should stay here for the night,' he suggested. Wait, WHAT? So I am going to stay at Avi's house for the rest of the night? Oh no, I mean I want to since I don't feel like going home but...really? Staying at my crush's house? Overnight? Isn't that just weird? Ow! It hurts! You know what, I will just stay here for the night since my stomach is killing me. 

'Sure, I can sleep on the couch,' I replied back while avoiding eye contact with Avi. Okay Kirstie, you can do this, it's just one night. 

'You sure? I mean you can sleep in a proper bed. You can sleep on the other bed in my room,' he offered me. Yeah, I am not going to make it through the night.

'No, its fine. I can just stay here,' I said with a smile.

'Okay then. So what do you want to do now? Watch a movie?' he asked. Oh! I love movies.

'Sure, what  movies do you have on you television?' I asked while sitting up straight.

'I have a lot of movies, you want to pick one?' he asked while handing me the remote control.

'Oh, okay,' I said while grabbing the remote. Oh wow, there are a lot of movies, I never knew he is such a big fan of movies. Oh! I love that movie, let's watch that!

'Do you want to watch that?' I asked Avi while pointing to the movie I want to watch.

'Sure, why not,' he replied with a smile. He pressed the play button and the movie started.

I have to admit that I wasn't really watching the movie the whole time, I was watching Avi. He is just so good looking and stuff. He is perfect. I just wish he would like me back, that would be cool. I'm sleepy, oh its already 12:00 o'clock and that is way past my bed time. I didn't realise it has been that long. My eyes are starting to get droopy, I should go to sleep. I rested my head on Avi's chest and soon fell asleep.

A/N HEY PENTAHOLICS!!! I am really sorry that I haven't update in a really long time since I was really busy and didn't have much time to update. Anyways, thanks for all the reads and remember to vote, comment and share! STAY FCUTE! BYE!

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