Part 2: Thoughts (Continued)

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A/N: Hello! Welcome back! Just saying this story may or may not be updated every few days or maybe once per week. I'm not writing from a time line, I'm just making it up as I go..
"You know what? Fine! But when you need someone like me and no ones there for you, don't come crying back!" Lucy screamed finally letting the tears fall.

Lucy ran out of the guild hall, sprinting in the direction of her house.
How come I reacted like that? Why am I so angry at her? It's almost like someone else is controlling me... ' Natsu thought, replaying the event that just happened

(Natsu's POV)

I looked down at the ground for a brief moment before looking up to find out how many people were staring. Turns out. The entire guild was looking at me.
I wasn't too happy about the event that just played out but now I'm here alone and I'm embarrassed.
It's like... When she's around I get a weird feeling.

Happy flew in through the door to see me at the center of the guilds attention and my face bright red.

"Hey, N-" Happy was cut off when I looked over to him. He quickly shut up when he looked at the sad look on my face. I didn't know what I said to Lucy would effect her the way it did but I regret saying anything.
"What happened..?" Happy looked pained to see me like this. I looked at the ground, not wanting to face my little buddy, but before I could say anything, he continued, "I saw Lucy run out of the guild hall, at first I thought she was going to her house, but the she turned down an alleyway..." My head shot up as my heart rate increased and my mind began racing.

I thought of the worst case scenarios and thought of Lucy being hurt. "What?! An alleyway?!" I questioned, about to make a break for it, Happy responded, "Yeah, I wanna find out what happened, do you have any idea what's wrong, Natsu?"

I looked down at my feet once more. "I... I said.. Some really mean things to Lucy.." I felt pained admitting my mistake but I knew I would have to face it eventually.
"Well what did you-" I tore out into a sprint towards the direction her house was in hoping to see, smell, maybe hear anything giving away her location.

(Lucy's POV)

I sat against the wall in the alleyway. My eyes full of tears and my mind full of racing thoughts. My body shaking uncontrollably.  My mind replaying the event again and again.
'What's wrong with me? Why did I say that to him? He was having a bad day and I bet I made it worse..' I thought pulling my knees up to my chest and resting my chin on my knees.
I suddenly heard a horrendous crashing sound obviously somewhere near me. I quickly look right my left stood a young man. He had short brown hair and he was stumbling around with a bottle of liquor in his right hand. He was the one who made the crashing noise, for he had collided with the dumpster near him. He fell to the ground and dropped the bottle, it smashed against the hard surface.
He looked up, angered that his drink was now painted all over the concrete.
Then he noticed me.... And smirked.
Sorry for the cliffhanger hehehe
But anyways thanks for reading, and please don't forget to...
                                       Word Count: 590

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