Part 5: Please, Come Back...

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Wendy suddenly came through the crowd and at the same time trying to get everyone to calm down.
"Move please! Lucy needs help people!" Wendy yelled as everyone made a path for the young Dragon Slayer.
Wendy placed her hands on the unconscious blonde's body and her hands began to glow a bright green.
Wendy's eyes widen in pure shock...

(Natsu's POV)

"She's..." Without finishing her sentence, Wendy burst into tears, she was sobbing while tears endlessly spilled from her eyes. Everyone had worried expressions. Then it hit them like a bag of bricks...Everyone in the guild instantly broke into tears just as Wendy had.

"What's wrong, Wendy?" I asked confused as to what the hell was going on. I was trying to block out the dark thoughts, but I knew they were somewhere in the back of my mind.

Wendy looked at me with a pained expression, she looked like she was about to collapse from the inside out. 

"S-she's...d-dead..." Wendy instantly began sobbing harder after saying just those two words. Yet I on the other hand, didn't think I heard her correctly. I kept trying to clarify what she had said, not wanting to believe what came out of her mouth.

"What...?" I asked, getting ready to let the tears fall. I couldn't hold it in much longer, and I didn't want to believe it. It was my number one fear...Lucy...being gone...

It was too late, my chest felt as if it was caving in while my heartbeat and my breath picked up its pace. My thoughts were flying through my head at the speed of light. Going over every possible explanation as to how this happened. Whoever caused this, is going to be eaten alive. By a dragon.

(Lucy's POV) -no she is not awake-

My eyes flutter open only to be greeted by a dark room with alot of bright figures at least thirty feet away. All standing in a line, side by side. I wasnt sure who it was until my vision cleared and I stood there in shock, staring at all of my celestial spirits. They all had sad expressions. I didnt understand what I was doing here and why they were here with me.

Loke stepped forward. His expression pained me down to the core. He looked like he was about to break. I've honestly had never seen him look so fragile. Now that I looked closer at everyone, they all had the same expression Loke did. I didnt like it.

"Hey...Whats wrong..?" I looked at them confused. Their eyes widen in shock at my confusion. Did I not know something that I was supposed to?

Loke spoke up finally, "Lucy...You're...Dead." I looked up in shock, processing what he said. Me? Dead? But I dont remember dying. All I remember is being in the alleyway then that man showed up then...Natsu...

"Where is everyone from the guild?" I asked trying to stay calm and avoid the waterworks. Natsu saved me and this is how I repay him? By dying? My eyes were beginning to form tears regardless of what I wanted.

"They're okay, they just aren't here, they're currently in the human world. As for us, we are in the Celestial Spirit World. Although...our contracts no longer exist..." Aquarius stated. Even she looked pained. Aquarius and I had a strong bond, even though she was always angry at me all the time, I still enjoyed her company. She was my first friend when I was living in the Heartfilia Estate. Her key had been pasted down from my mother...but who will her key go to now?

I couldnt hold the tears back anymore. That was the last straw holding in my tears. Tears spilled from my eyes while sobs escaped my mouth, I never felt so hopeless. I wanted to see the guild one more time. Tell them how much they mean to me, and Natsu...There was so much I wanted to tell him, but now its too late. 

"But what happens now? If I'm dead, shouldnt I go to the after life or something like that?¨ I asked the Spirits assuming they would know the answer.

Virgo opened her mouth, about to say something when a sudden bright light emerged from behind the line of Spirits.

"Old friend, I assume you are implying you would like to move on into the next life. Am I in the wrong?" Just by hearing the booming voice and the unidentified figure calling me 'Old Friend', I automatically knew it was the Celestial Spirit King.

"Well I dont suppose I have any other choice. Its not like I can just decide to come back to life and wake up back in the Human World." I said in what I thought was a sort of sassy voice.

"While you are correct, you cannot fully go back to the Human World fully healed and alive, I can offer something else." He said smirking.

"Go on." I said with a bit of confusion in my voice. If there was any chance I could see my family from Fairy Tail again, I would do anything. I didnt care what the cost was. Nothing is more important than my Nakama.

The king continued, ¨You have two options and thats all of the assistance I can offer. Therefor saying you may choose between; Moving on into the after life then being reincarnated into a new person, without memories of your past life, Or....¨


A/N: Hello! I think this was a decently long chapter and I hope your satisfied with this part!

Please dont forget to....





                                 Word Count: 956

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