Part 8: The Dragon In the Forest of Fire

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Erza has almost never seemed so fragile and hopeless. She was crying and hugging everyone else, while Natsu on the other hand was screaming and crying in his walls of scarlet and crimson. The last time anyone had seen him cry like that was when Igneel died.

Everyone was scared of what Natsu was going to do next, but what he did was nothing like they expected...
(Norml POV)

Lucy felt great, almost like she was full of life and energy, 'so this is what it feels like to be a stellar spirit... I feel great!' Lucy squeled in her head.

"Wow... I'm really a spirit now. So I guess I just have to wait until I get summoned to the human world... Right?"

"Basically thats how it works. It's really a bummer though. I wish you were still alive Miss Lucy, you were such a wonderful key holder, and you treated all your spirits with kindness and respect. *sigh* I just hope Lady Yukino is just as good to us as you were." Lyra (that one spirit that plays the harp) said in a gloomy tone.

"Well, I might not be able to summon you guys or fight along side you but you guys will always be my family, the spirits and Fairy Tail." Lucy said, forcing a smile.
"And plus, Yukino's a really nice girl, I made sure that she got all my keys that I had because I didn't want you guys to be treated poorly. Your worth more than that, Lyra." Lucy continued.

"Aww thanks Miss Lucy! Your so sweet!!" Lyra squealed and jumped on the blonde.
(Meanwhile in the human world)
(Normal POV)

Natsu's flames began to increase in size and became brighter and hotter than anything else. The guild hall was turning into an oven.
The screams and sobs could still be heard escaping Natsu's mouth.
Just when all went silent...
He was gone.
Natsu had vanished into thin air. Not a single trace could be found as to where he went.
"Natsu!? Natsu!!!" Erza began screaming and calling for the pink haired boy to come out of hiding.
Still, No answer emerged.
Then everyone saw it..
There was a enormous gaping hole in the wall the size to fit a full grown elephant. On the outer edges of the hole were clearly visible burn marks. Covered in burnt patches, the wall was destroyed.
So in all, Lucy died, everyone's crying, there is a huge hole in the wall and now Natsu is missing. Today was just too much.
Then all three Dragon Slayers emerged from the crowd of Fairy Tail members. Gajeel, Wendy, and Laxus looked like they were ready to kill. Which was new for Wendy because she was usually sweet and cheerful. But this was a completely new side to her. Someone or something had take away one of her precious family members and now whoever did it was going to pay.
Everyone knew what this meant.
They were going to track down Natsu then find the bastard that killed Lucy.
Everyone knew there was something fishy about Lucy's death. She was healthy as a horse and cheerful as usual all the days before, so there couldn't have been anything wrong. Right?
(Where Natsu is)

Natsu was currently in the middle of a dark forest, far from the guild.
He sat in the middle of walls of fire separating him from everything else.
He felt his mind slipping from his grasp. He couldn't feel his existence. Like nothing was there anymore. No point in living, breathing, or loving anything.
The ground was painted black by the burnt surface Natsu had caused. 'Why did it have to come down to this? Why is it always her that's in danger?' Natsu thought to himself.
Then Natsu came to the conclusion that someone had killed Lucy. And let me tell you, Natsu was in a full blown rage. He got up, flames swarming around his body, and his eyes glowing a deep red. His flames clutched a nearby tree, the flames instantly consumed it, burning it to a crisp.
The trees, one by one, were consumed by the scarlet red flames and were replaced by a pile of ash.
Natsu was gone again. This time he didn't know where to go,  so he started walking around, not caring if any bypassers saw him in the state he was currently in.
Natsu wanted to find Porlyusica, that old healer that Gramps grew up with.
She was skilled, but she has a deep hatred for humans.
Natsu tried to calm himself and slightly succeeded, knowing that he was on a short fuse, he knew that almost anything could send him over the edge and into his 'ready to kill' state of being.
He arrived at the old woman's home in the forest and eagerly knocked on the door.
Porlyusica opened the door and immediately scowled at the young fire mage.
"Lucy... Is dead... I want you to find out what happened. C-can you do that..?" Natsu said in a stuttering voice. He was nervous, knowing that she could easily turn him down.
"Well how am I supposed to examine her if she ain't here?!?!" She yelled already getting angry.
"Please, just go to the guild hall and tell them that I sent you to find out what happened to Lucy. I'm not ready to face any of the guild members right now." Natsu said in a voice full of sorrow.
"Very well.." Polyusica said in a slightly annoyed tone.
"I'll wait here until you return." Natsu said looking around at the trees surrounding the home.
He could still feel those negative feelings inside him. But he was trying to keep them locked up inside.
Porlyusica eyed the boy but didn't say anything. She just began walking in the direction that would lead her to the guild.
Natsu could barely hold all of his emotions in his body, but once the old hag was out of sight, he let it run free.
His eyes releasing endless amounts of tears and sobs escaped his mouth. He was fragile in that moment.
'This world doesn't make sense. How come you choose one person that you like the most and depend on and then they leave... It's not fair.. If I could just see her one last time... I...'  Natsu's thoughts were cut off by him breaking down even more. 'How come it had to be Lucy... She was special to me.. I just wanted to be near her... So how come this?' Natsu's thoughts continued on and on till he was eventually tired and his eyes we're dried up. He was out of breath from crying. It wasn't like him to show his weak side, but this was a different story.. Lucy was special.
A/N: Hello! Sorry I haven't updated in like a week or so, I have school and work so Im busy. But here's an extra long chapter to show I'm sorry! But please don't forget to..
Thanks!                    Word count:1181

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