Part 9: Cursed

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'This world doesn't make sense. How come you choose one person that you like the most and depend on and then they leave... It's not fair.. If I could just see her one last time... I...' Natsu's thoughts were cut off by him breaking down even more. 'How come it had to be Lucy... She was special to me.. I just wanted to be near her... So how come this?' Natsu's thoughts continued on and on till he was eventually tired and his eyes we're dried up. He was out of breath from crying. It wasn't like him to show his weak side, but this was a different story.. Lucy was special. 


(Normal POV)

Standing by her side in tears, Lucy's comrades looked down on her as she lay on the floor. No one had seen this coming. Lucy was special to everyone, yet some show no emotion. Laxus was strong, so strong in fact that he showed no sadness toward Lucy's death, even though no feelings were shown by some, all were truly sad.

No one knew what to do. 

Porlyusica opened the guild's door only to see all the people there in tears. She knew how much everyone meant to each other, so it was not to her surprise that they all acted like this. Everyone turned and looked at the old woman.

"Natsu sent me here to find out what happened to the young girl. Nothing else." She said, finally breaking the silence in the building besides the cries and sniffles.
Everyone stared at her in disbelief. Natsu never asked others for help. His pride was worth to much to him, but this just proved to everyone how much Lucy meant to him.
"What?! You know where Natsu is?! Tell me now!!!" Erza and Mira both screamed at the same time.
The old woman didn't flinch once to the yelling of the two young girls.
"The young boy is not ready to face any of you currently, so be patient. " Polyusica said in a calm voice. She knew that even though she despised humans, they had feeling and now was not the time to lash out at them.

Everyone sighed, still sniffling. 

Even though Lucy was dead, her body lay on the bed in the infirmary. Polyusica walked to the door of the room but paused for a moment deciphering whether or not to open the door.

She slowly turned the door knob and creaked open the door to see the once lively young girl's body limp on the bed. It was a very depressing sight.

Polyusica no longer hesitated. She quickly began her work. Testing Lucy's blood. Power source...then it was found.

Porlyusica's eyes widen in shock as she realized Lucy really was murdered, she had a curse placed on her. But by who and why?

"So? Whats wrong? Did you find out what happened?" Mira questioned in a soft voice. She still had lingering tears left in her eyes.

"Young lady, if you could, I'd like to see all the job requests this young girl has taken in the past 6 months." The old lady spoke to Mira in a comforting yet stern tone. Mira quickly rushed away to fetch the requested items.

Mira quickly returned with a stack of old looking papers. She set them on the table with a swift motion.

"Now for these, I'd like some help searching through these papers looking for anything that has to do with a curse. I might find the reason Lucy died." The old woman said looking over to Lucy's lifeless body.

Mira looked at Porlyusica in shock. "A curse? Do you think Lucy died because of a curse?!" 

Porlyusica's face dropped to a sad frown, "The chances are extremely high, and if she did, it was intentional so someone had to of wanted Lucy to die.

Little did Porlyusica and Mira know that Lucy was 'alive' and a majority of the guild members were outside of the infirmary's door, listening in on their conversation...


Hey! Thanks for reading and sorry for not updating sooner, I've been preparing for Halloween and my birthday was yesterday. So I've been very busy. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'll try to update more frequently!

Dont forget to...



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Thank! Bye~            word count: 713

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