Part 12: Happiness and Tears

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I grazed my hand over the large closed door leading into the guild hall, my hand reached the handle as I grabbed it and tugged.
(Lucy's POV)

I opened the door to the Guild, hoping to see everyone look up and smile, but that's not what happened.

Everyone kept their heads down, with their shoulders sagging. There was no color in our family anymore.

I simply smiled and without anyone noticing, I walked up to the bar as Mira was drying a clear glass with a rag, her face containing sorrow and pain.

"What can I get for you?" She said without looking up from her work on the glass.
"How about a smile?" Mira's head shot up to the sound of my voice and almost on command she was crying and smiling.
"Oh my God... I can't.. believe it... " she said in between sobs.
A lot of people's heads raised to the sound of Mira crying.
She quickly rushed around the bar and tackled me in a tight hug.
I couldn't help but give a huge smile.
I hugged her back with every fiber of my being.
Everyone in the guild hall quickly realized who had arrived and were instantly by my side, crying, smiling and a select few were on the ground because they passed out.
A certain short, blue haired best friend came running to me.
"Luuuuu-channnnn!!!!" Levy screamed with tears streaming out of her eyes.
That's when I realized it.
Something was missing, more like someone.
A certain pink haired boy was no where to be seen in the mix of smiling people.
"Where's Natsu?" I question looking around the building for the dragon slayer.
Levy looked up at me, tears still visible in her eyes.
"Natsu went missing the day you were proclaimed 'dead'," Levy informed, putting air quotes around 'dead', I looked at her shocked.

"Do you have any clue where he is?" I asked as everyone shook their heads implying none of them knew the answer.

I hugged everyone and told them I wanted to go look for Natsu.
They all understood and some volunteered to tag along and help but I told them I wanted to do this alone.

"Yukino, you don't mind me doing this, do you?" I asked worried that I was draining her of her magic.

"No, it's okay, I was recently informed by Libra that when you come to the human world, your not draining my own power, and that you were granted unlimited celestial energy. Amazing isnt it?" She replied, I looked at her shocked. Honestly I couldnt believe it, it's almost like I'm human again.

I nodded to her reply and was about to run off when Porlyusica quickly ran out if the Guild hall and grabbed my wrist.
"If your looking for that boy, he's inside my home."

I nodded in response and broke into a sprint towards the woman's house.

'I get to see him again' I smiled while running, I wouldn't stop running until I finally saw him.
It didn't seem like it's been that long for me, Time goes slower in the Celestial Spirit World. Its been about a week for me but about three months for them.

But now that I think about it, how come he's been at Porlyusica's house for so long? Maybe he was feeling depressed?

I kept running and by the time I was close, my legs felt heavy like lead.
I quickly walked to the door, hesitating to open it.

I closed my eyes and slowly opened the door.

There sat Natsu, the person I wanted to see most. He sat at the table, his eyes were closed but he rested his forehead on his fist.
He looked dead tired. He had bags under his eyes and his expression showed week's worth of no sleep.

He didn't look up, just like everyone else.

I stepped behind the chair he was sitting in and without me realizing, I had my arms wrapped around him.

His head quickly rose and his eyes opened up.

He got up from his chair, still not realizing it was me, then turned around.

"Lucy... " Natsu said in utter disbelief.

I smiled as tears of joy clouded my vision.

I walked closer to him until we were a few inches apart.

He was the first to make a move.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close like he was never going to let go.

(Natsu's POV)

Nothing else existed in that moment.

Lucy was in my arms for the first time in what felt like an eternity.

I breathed in her scent like it was my oxygen.

I broke into a smile and hugged her tighter.

I missed her so much.

"I missed you, Natsu," She said in her angelic voice. I felt like I could finally live again.

"I missed you more, Lucy," I said her name for the first time, I hadn't said her name in so long because it reminded me of her and brought bad memories.

"Im sorry for that day I yelled at you, Lucy," I apologized.

After losing her that day, it felt like nothing was worth living for anymore. So I hid away in the old hag's place.

"Lucy, I need to tell you something..." I said to her, it was something I've wanted to tell her for the longest time, and now was my chance.

She raised her eyebrows signaling for me to continue.

"I love you. I have for a long time now." I said, clamping my eyes shut.

She probably didn't feel the same but I said what I've been keeping inside for years now. It feels nice to finally have it out.

She smiled her amazing smile, lighting up her entire face.

Then she hugged me tighter, burying her face in my chest.

I looked down at her smiling into my chest, then she looked up at me with tears in her eyes. A light blush dusting her beautiful face

She got on her tippy-toes and connected her lips to mine.

I was shocked at first but soon gave in.

She pulled away, "I love you too, Natsu," She smiled and buried her face back in my chest.

I kissed the top of her head and rested my chin there and smiled like an idiot.
FINALLY!!! I got done with this chapter. I was so excited to write it. Soooo what did ya think?!
Thanks!  Byeeee
                              Word count:1079

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