Part 3: Regret

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A/N: Hello! I don't know why I'm updating today again but I was bored and had nothing to do..  So here's part 3. Sorry if it's short ^~^

I quickly look right my left stood a young man. He had short brown hair and he was stumbling around with a bottle of liquor in his right hand. He was the one who made the crashing noise, for he had collided with the dumpster near him. He fell to the ground and dropped the bottle, it smashed against the hard surface.
He looked up, angered that his drink was now painted all over the concrete.
Then he noticed me.... And smirked.
(Natsu's POV)

'Where is she? Would if she's in danger? Oh who am I kidding. It's Lucy, she's strong... Really strong and she's really-'
My thoughts were cut off by an ear piercing scream that rang throughout the town. Wait... Was that...
"Lucy!!!" I tore out into a sprint, desperate to get to her. She'd be okay. I'll protect her, no matter what.
My ears could here the struggle, something moving and people in an argument. I tuned everything out and listened for her. The gentle yet powerful voice that keeps me going everyday.
"Someone he-" There she was. I could hear her. I kept running to the point were my legs felt like they were on burned, but I only pushed harder.
My gaze fell onto a little alleyway down the street from Lucy's house.
I heard someone struggling.
I couldn't believe it when my gaze fell onto Lucy... She was.. Crying.
My heart plummeted to the ground as a saw her tears. Then my eyes caught something else even more horrifying.
There was a man tugging at the rim of her shorts and his filthy hands on her hips. His hands all over my Lucy. My mind engulfed by rage, I sprung into a violent daze.
My bolted forward to the bastard and headbutted him as hard as I've ever done. He stumbled back and fell over. My mind was racing. My heart was pounding and my body was out of control. Seeing someone do something so displeasing to Lucy sent me over the edge and ready to murder the bastard messing with her.
Lucy's eyes told me she was shocked by me being there.
No matter what happens between us. I will never leave her in harms way. I'll sacrifice anything.
The guy stood up, slightly swaying from him being hit and because he was drunk, the scent of bourbon on his breath. 
I kicked the guy in the gut sending him flying into a wall. He showed fear in his eyes. Anyone would be scared in his situation, yet I only smirked.
I walked up to him and grabbed a fist full of his shirt, slowly lifting him off the ground. He was shaking.
"P-please have m-m-mercy," he stuttered being fearful of the monster he saw in front of him.
I laughed at his stupidity. His feet were no longer touching the ground. So I took that chance and I drew back my hand and pummeled my fist into his face. His body went limp but he wasn't dead. He just was knocked unconscious.
Lucy was on the ground, still crying when I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. She was shocked as my arms clinged to her as if she were my life line.
"Natsu, you-"

"I'm sorry!" I cut her off making her flinch at my sudden outburst.

The air grew thick as our surroundings became silent. She didn't respond. But her body was shaking.

"Lucy...?" I looked down to see Lucy engulfed by tears. My arms tightened around her small, slender figure.
I felt her muscles relax slightly. But the tension and shaking still lingered. 

She was my only weakness, the one person I couldn't hurt no matter the consequence. 

After holding her for long enough I felt I could let go only because she probably didn't want me to conceal her away for longer than necessary, but I didn't let go just yet.

Just a little longer, please. 

Lucy's body no longer shook like an earthquake but you could still hear her small sniffles, implying that she still wasn't feeling like herself.
Unexpectedly, her sniffles ceased to exist and her breathing ran quiet and unreal, I loosened my grip on the girl to find her body chilled and limp.

That's when my whole world was sent to oblivion.

Oooooh cliffy ^~^
Don't forget to
Thanks ^.^
                                       Word Count: 685

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