Part 10: Summoning

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"Now for these, I'd like some help searching through these papers looking for anything that has to do with a curse. I might find the reason Lucy died." The old woman said looking over to Lucy's lifeless body.

Mira looked at Porlyusica in shock. "A curse? Do you think Lucy died because of a curse?!"

Porlyusica's face dropped to a sad frown, "The chances are extremely high, and if she did, it was intentional so someone had to of wanted Lucy to die.

Little did Porlyusica and Mira know that Lucy was 'alive' and a majority of the guild members were outside of the infirmary's door, listening in on their conversation...


(Normal POV where Lucy is)

Lucy felt great, almost like she was full of life and energy, 'so this is what it feels like to be a stellar spirit... I feel great!' Lucy squeled in her head.

"Wow... I'm really a spirit now. So I guess I just have to wait until I get summoned to the human world... Right?"

"Basically thats how it works. It's really a bummer though. I wish you were still alive Miss Lucy, you we're such a wonderful key holder, and you treated all your spirits with kindness and respect. *sigh* I just hope Lady Yukino is just as good to us as you were." Lyra (that one spirit that plays the harp) said in a gloomy tone.

"Well, I might not be able to summon you guys or fight along side you but you guys will always be my family, the spirits and Fairy Tail." Lucy said, forcing a smile.
"And plus, Yukino's a really nice girl, I made sure that she got all my keys that I had because I didn't want you guys to be treated poorly. Your worth more than that, Lyra." Lucy continued.

"Aww thanks Miss Lucy! Your so sweet!!" Lyra squeled and jumped on the blonde. ( I rewrote this part to jog your memory about what happened)

~Time skip brought to you by E.N.D~

Lucy suddenly was feeling weird, she looked down at the rest of her body noticing it was disappearing, she panicked.

"Lyra! What's going on?! Am I dying?!" Lucy screamed as her eyes were almost popping out of her head, she looked terrified.

"Miss Lucy! Dont worry! You're just being sent to the human world to serve your new key holder!" Lyra squealed.
(Lucy's POV)

Honestly, I was kind of nervous, I don't know how to do any of this.
What if I mess up? I guess we will just have to see...
Hai friends! Sorry for the short chapter but I'm busy all the time.
I hoped you enjoyed :3
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Thanks :3 Word Count: 459

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