Part 7: Because You're Gone

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A/N: Hello! Welcome back to my story, so today I finally reviewed my part 6 and thats completely finished now. SOOOO this part will be starting with Natsu and the rest of the guild in the human world! 



"You may become a golden key of your own type if you prefer. And yes, you can choose your magic element, as long as it's an actual type. I wouldn't actually consider you a zodiac key mainly because your are not based off of any of the zodiac animals from the story, but, you can after all be a golden key, a rare one at that," He said finally finishing his summary. I was absolutely excited now. I would get to see everyone again! I cant wait!

"Please, I'd like to become a spirit to serve this world."


(Normal POV)

Natsu felt almost like he could no longer breath. He didnt want to either. He wanted to be able to smell that vanilla and strawberry scent that drove him mad and see the little blonde along with it.

Natsu was in his racing thoughts, hyperventilating and his heart beating faster than any other time in his life. He shut his eyes, trying to stop the thoughts but it didnt make it any better.

¨-tsu! Natsu!¨ Mira was now screaming at Natsu yanking him away from his thoughts.

Natsu looked up and saw everyone sobbing and hugging each other, Master wasn't here, he was currently on a trip for a Guild Master Gathering. He would be back tomorrow, but what he would come home to is something he would never expect.

Natsu was in pain, not physically, but emotionally. Lucy was gone and he thought it was his fault. After sadness, there is usually anger.

Natsu's figure was then  engulfed by crimson flames. Nothing would stop him. He didn't ever want to believe that Lucy was truly gone forever, but he knew she wasn't going to come back.

¨Lucy isn't dead!¨ Natsu screamed in an almost demonic voice. ¨She cant be!¨ Natsu continued, you could tell he was angry. He sounded almost like a dragon.

¨Natsu! Please stop! This is already hard enough!¨ Erza screamed with tears bursting from her eyes and her voice cracking at the last part of her sentence.

Erza has almost never seemed so fragile and hopeless. She was crying and hugging everyone else, while Natsu on the other hand was screaming and crying in his walls of scarlet and crimson. The last time anyone had seen him cry like that was when Igneel died.

Everyone was scared of what Natsu was going to do next, but what he did was nothing like they expected...


A/N: Hello! Thanks for reading and sorry for the cliff hanger and short chapter (Im writing this while at school so I dont have much time in all). But what do you think Natsu is gonna do?

Anyways, please dont forget to..




Thanks! Bye~               Word count: 462

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