Part 11: Key Holder

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Okay, so, Honestly, I've been so excited to write the chapter and the chapter after this one. I think you know what's going to happen. If not, Just keep reading.

Honestly, I was kind of nervous, I don't know how to do any of this.
What if I mess up?  I guess we will just have to see...
(Lucy's POV)

More and more of my body was fading, all the way up until my neck was gone.

Light was dimming and brightening until everything went white.

I appeared in the human world in front in Yukino, my new key holder.

This felt really weird, being a spirit that is.

Yukino gave me a weak smile then hugged me tight.

I smiled back at her, "I'm so happy to be here again," I breathed in the Earthland scent that I had missed so much.

"So, Lucy, as you well know, you are one if my new spirits, and so I have to make a contract with you," Yukino said, "So, what days are you free?"

"Well, I guess for the time being, any day of the week would work, except for on Saturdays, if it's alright that I have a day off," I replied, looking at her with eyes full of excitement.

"Okay! Works for me! Anyways, I didn't know you were a spirit until Pisces told me the news, although no one else knows about it because I figured you wanted to tell everyone." Yukino announced looking at me with the same level of excitement as I had.

"Yeah, I was hoping to go surprise everyone, even though some may freak out." I sweat dropped at the thought of someone having a heart attack.

"Well, I'm guessing you'd like to see everyone. Right?" Yukino laughed pulling me along towards the Fairy Tail guild hall direction.

I nodded and laughed along with her, breaking into a run. I was so excited to see everyone. I could just barely keep my excitement inside my body.

We arrived at the guild hall, the place I will always call home.

I grazed my hand over the large closed door leading into the guild hall, my hand reached the handle as I grabbed it and tugged
Okay! Sorry it was short but what did you think? Good? Bad?
Aside from that, don't forget to...
Thanks!          Word Count: 387

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