Part 4: Gone

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A/N: Welcome back! just wanted to say that I wont be updating to often mainly because I have school and other extra curricular activities, but on weekends and whenever possible I will update. Okie dokie! lets get to the story!


Lucy's body no longer shook like an earthquake but you could still hear her small sniffles, implying that she still wasn't feeling like herself.
Unexpectedly, her sniffles ceased to exist and her breathing ran quiet and unreal, I loosened my grip on the girl to find her body chilled and limp.

That's when my whole world was sent to oblivion.


(Third Person POV)

     "Lucy? Lucy!?" Natsu began shaking Lucy's body trying to get some reaction or answer from her, but none availed. He didnt care if he got her deadly 'Lucy kick' or she yelled at him, he just wanted to make sure she was alright.

He had just got her back, he couldn't lose her again.

Please not again...I cant handle it..

Natsu was going crazy not knowing what was wrong and thinking about the causes and what might happen to his partner. He wasnt sure what to do...So the first thing he thought of was 'Where's Wendy?' 

Natsu jumped to his feet with the limp blonde girl in his arms. Her face was emotionless. No pain, happiness, her face was just tear stained and cold.

Natsu began running as fast as he legs would carry him. 'What if she's not okay? What the hell happened? Can Wendy fix this? Damn it!' Natsu was caught up in his thoughts when he stumbled over a rock and almost dropped the girl in his arms. ¨Its okay, Lucy...I-I p-promise I  wont d-drop you...¨ Natsu stuttered, attempting to hold back the tears threatening to fall. 

Natsu finally reached the guild hall, and yet not a single response from Lucy came forth. She was still there, unconscious, laying almost dead in the boy's arms.
He quickly ran to the building doors ramming his back into the large doorway not wanting to hurt Lucy.
The doors opened with a loud crash as Natsu stood there in the doorway with an unconscious Lucy and eyes full of tears.
The quild members all fell silent.
"Don't just stand there!!! Help me!!!" Natsu screamed as the tears began falling and his heart began aching.
Everyone rushed up and swarmed around Natsu. People were screaming and others were whispering.

'Whats wrong with Lucy?'

'Is she okay?'

'Is she dead?'

The last one made Natsu's heart feel like it was being ripped apart. He couldn't imagine her being dead. It was a terrifying thought. He couldn't bear thinking of something so heartbreaking.
Wendy suddenly came through the crowd and at the same time trying to get everyone to calm down.
"Move please! Lucy needs help people!" Wendy yelled as everyone made a path for the young Dragon Slayer.
Wendy placed her hands on the unconscious blonde's body and her hands began to glow a bright green.
Wendy's eyes widen in pure shock...
A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but I got stuff I gotta do and I was really excited to publish this one!
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                                       Word Count: 497

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