your turn

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i walked out of the medics room and made my way into a hallway that was cement, not to mention the obvious.

i saw there 3 doors on either side of the wall, making it 6 doors in all.

i assumed these were the rooms the guys stayed in.

getting out of this hallway i ended up in what looked like a common room. there a broken mini fridge with 4 bar stools scattered around, and there looked to be a bunch of papers on the floor that contained writing.

the room was fairly small but it looked big from perspective.

in this room i saw the guy they called pete, he looked to be messing around with matches and lighters.

i seemed to distract him from whatever he was doing and he looked at blankly.

we were having a staring contest for about 30 seconds.

"you just gonna stare at me, red?" he spoke up.

"red?" i wondered.

"your hair's red, dumbass." he sounded slightly aggravated.

i remembered my hair was dyed red few days prior. and so i half smiled and scratched the back of my neck.

"you shouldn't keep him waiting you know?" his attention returned to the matches.


he looked up at me confused, "why what?"

"why shouldn't i keep him waiting?"

this seemed to piss him off even more as he stood up, and him being about an inch taller than me he was pretty intimidating.

"your throat could have been slit and we could've used your limbs and organs to spell out our name on that same road where we left your family to rot." he spat.

he spoke with such anger and hatred, as if i was the so lucky for what happened.

he sat back down and didn't look at me after that. i didn't to continue talking to a guy who's the 'arson' of the group.

i walked out the common room and back into the only hallway, the thing on the other side of the hallway is a ladder with a pothole cover at the top.

as i walked back into the hallway i noticed the names carved into the walls next to each door.

i stood next to the one that in which it craved,


i knocked on the door and there was no response on the doors part, there was just a voice on the other side saying; "come in."

i opened the door to find tyler standing by his bed, and he was giving me direct eye contact.

i had shut the door behind me but tyler never stopped staring at me. i looked up and we made very intense eye contact.

"how are you, joshua dun?" tyler asked, with such a casual yet sarcastic tone.

"it's josh dun." i corrected.

"ohhhhhhh," tylers exaggerated reaction was noted, "whatever you say baby boy."

i rolled my eyes and exhaled.

"you know josh dun," tyler began walking towards me slowly,

"you're in no position to make demands to someone who saved your life."

"you didn't save my life..." i squinted my eyes as i shook my head.

"oh no?" he cocked his head with such a sarcastic tone, "so when you were getting stabbed, who stopped dallon from slitting your throat and cutting out your insides?" he asked rhetorically.

i remained quiet, realising he wasn't telling lying. he did stop me from getting killed. but that burning question was still on my mind.


"why what?" tyler wondered.

"why did you save me?"

tyler stared chucking which soon developed into a full on laugh. once he could catch his breath he looked at me,

"wouldn't you like to know?"

"yes. i do." i wasn't playing his game.

"i'll answer that for you-- maybe later-- but right now you have a job to do."

"what job?" i questioned.

"you remember what happened to you and your family a few hours ago?
well now it's your turn to join in on the purge."

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