the tension

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tyler and i talked for a bit more before we were interrupted by patrick and brendon who joined us on the rooftop.

"what are you guys still doing up here?" patrick wondered.
"we had some things to discuss." tyler stated in a rather professional manner.

"well we should be 'discussing' what the fuck we're gonna do about how we're missing three people."  brendon suggested with an attached tone.
"three people?" i was confused.

"pete, dallon, and melanie." brendon elaborated.
"don't forget melanie's girlfriend ashley..." patrick reminded us.

"well shit we're missing four people and there's no way in hell the four of us are gonna be able to take on mcr." brendon pessimistically concluded.
"what makes you say that?" tyler questioned.

"i'm the only one who has experience in killing. josh and patrick don't know shit about how to use a knife or gun."
"actually, i do know how to use a gun." i corrected.

"no, you know to shoot one. there's a difference in knowing how to aim to kill and how to aim to shoot." brendon retorted.

"so why don't you teach me? since you're so fucking at killing. coz last time i checked gerard beat your ass to the ground and we were the ones who had to save you." i spat.

"you got a real mouth on you, dun. we should've killed you with the rest of your pathetic family--"
"leave him alone, asshat." tyler cut off brendon with his remark.

"fuck off tyler, you know as soon as josh got here shit went from bad to worse."
"oh no, you're doing that all on your own hun." tyler sarcastically smiled.

"it's like i knew you were gonna take your fuck buddys side." brendon scoffed.
"what the fuck is your problem?" i asked brendon, raising my tone.

"my problem?!"
"yeah, your problem. you really think you're helping the situation by being a piece of shit to everyone?news flash urie, you're not. we're all sad that ryans gone, but i've lost people too. so don't stand there and tell me that i don't know how the fuck it feels and that i should've died back there when you're being a petty asshole who doesn't know to control his emotions. grow the hell up."

"umm guys can we stop the fighting for a minute to take a look at this?" patrick asked us all as he was standing near the edge of the roof, looking down.

we all joined him in looking across the edge, even though i was on the verge of passing out from the height, but i saw looking at what everyone else was looking at.

it was the truck, the very same truck driving past our hideout spot and then down the road. from the view we had we could see them stop at what we assumed was their hideout.

it was a rather far distance from where we were but we saw people exit the vehicle and walk into the old storage unit building that was know as "stop and stor."

we all exchanged looks with the same idea in mind. we knew where they were hiding, and they didn't know we saw them.

this time, we had the upper hand on mcr.

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