the mistake

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"FUCK!" brendon screamed as he threw his gear down at the ground.
"they tricked us..." patrick concluded in disbelief.

"gerard was always really fuckin' clever." tyler said in a low voice.
"so now what?" mel asked us all.

we all exchanged looks and that's when pete wondered,
"who's the fastest one here?"

"josh is fast." mel stated.
"not fast enough to run back." i contradicted.

"if we just now made it by foot here, they're probably long gone from our place with their truck." patrick explained.

we all sighed, realizing our current situation. we had just left whatever food we had left and most our weapons back at the place, and with only dallon as protection there was no chance of it still being there.

suddenly, there was a faint noise in the distance. the same sound the haunts me. the sound of a roaring engine and crunching gravel.

the truck.

we all quickly noticed it coming closer and immediately took cover. i hid with mel, patrick hid with pete, and brendon was with tyler.

the vehicle got louder and louder as it approached us until it stopped in front of us. i saw everyone looking a bit panicked and confused, excerpt for brendon. brendon had a stern and blank look on him.

the doors opened and closed to signify that people left the truck, there was no mistaking who was there. we all didn't want to believe it but it was them. no doubt about it.

"are you playing hide and seek?" gerards not so intimidating voice appeared from about 8 feet away from us.

there was no response from any of us, not even a sudden move. but he knew we were there. no doubt about it.

"you guys are really bad at this game, i'm not supposed to know where you are." gerard sounded like a whiny kid as he spoke.

we heard an exchange of laughter between the three in mcr before one of them shot a gun, almost nailing me in the foot. i jumped, by heart skipping a few beats. and oh did they know it too.

"thanks for the supplies b-t-dubs," mikey spoke up, "this shits gonna last us a while, but we know you guys got gear too."

"so we can arrange a little deal with you guys... you give us all the supplies you have on you and we won't kill you," gerard bargained, "sounds pretty fair to me right boys?"

we heard sounds of approval from mikey and frank as we all exchanged looks from our hiding spots. that's when frank spoke up,

"and don't think we can't do it. the three of us would slaughter the five of you... just like how we slaughtered your friend ryan back there."

something inside brendon snapped, it was clear from his face and how she spoke,
"you may have the balls," he stood up,

"but you don't know who the fuck you're messing with." he spat at the three, now revealing where he was.

i heard fake panic come from gerard, mike, and frank as brendon slowly walked over to them with determination. i finally had the courage to peer over the side of my hideout, which was an old car, slowly. and everyone else followed in my footsteps.

brendon stood a good four feet away from the men, with his fists clutched. the three didn't even look phased as they weren't scared to let out a few laughs in brendon face.

"you make this too easy for us, urie..." gerard caught his breath from laughing, "tell you what, no weapons, and if you can pin me down you can take back your shit and i'll even throw ashley in there to seal the deal."

"you're on you fuckin' clown." brendon spoke with venom on his tongue. gerard put down his weapons and just stood there with his hands folded over each other, waiting.

"ladies first." gerard smiled sarcastically. brendons fists began to twitch from the obvious rage flowing through him.

abruptly, brendon swung his fist, hard. and somehow gerard managed to duck, causing brendon to stumble forward a bit,

"that's all you got? your windshield of a forehead was blinding me and you still missed." gerard taunted as he moved behind brendon and the other two laughed.

brendon turned around, his composure beginning to crumble as he swung again, weaker this time, still not nailing gerard. brendon was now tripping over his own feet trying to catch himself.

mikey and frank were still laughing as gerard turned around to ask them,
"should i just end the embarrassment for him?"

both of them agreed and that's when gerard easily pushed brendon over, sending him to the ground on his back.

"was that your vengeance? ryans turning over in his grave right now watching this freak show." gerard continued to taunt, despite brendon already being down.

"this was fun you guys, just for that we'll leave you with your shit. thanks for the giggles." gerard and them were about to walk away when brendon stood up again saying,

"i'm not down, asshole."

gerard turned around, chuckling at brendons confidence as he walked back over to him,
"you haven't learned a damn thing, haven't you brendon?"

brendon stood there staring at gerard before gerard spoke again,
"looks like i'll have to take you to school."

suddenly, gerard landed a rough punch in brendons gut before knocking him quickly and clearly on his cheek, sending brendon back down to the ground.

"so there's twelve grades or some shit like that. that was just kindergarten, let's kick it up a notch for elementary." gerard announced, pushing brendon in his back and getting on top of him.

another hard punch, "we're going through first grade."

again, "second."

and again, "third."

the punches got worse and worse as you could hear brendon spitting out blood and choking as he tried gasping for air.

"fourth." gerard grunted with another hard blow to brendons left cheek.

again, "fifth."

brendon was breathing heavy, but he wasn't struggling to release from gerards grip. brendon spat blood in gerards face,

"that the best you got?"

"oh we're just getting started babe." gerard wiped the blood from his face. gerard cracked his raw and red knuckles, but before he could knock brendon again, a bullet went off,

this time from our side. it was pete, he shot a pistol, nailing gerard in the shoulder. but this seemed to only phase him a little bit.

"you really think you're tough shit, wentz?" gerard spat, getting off of brendon. before anything else could happen four more bullets fired, nailing mikey twice and frank once.

"FUCKING HELL." mikey yelled as he and frank ran back into the truck. gerard followed behind them, spitting on brendon before getting into the passengers seat screaming,

"THIS ISNT OVER, SKELETON-DICKS." before driving off.

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