Chapter 1

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<£££> I use a lot of foul language in this story. It is a love story but there is a lot of depressing and possibly triggering things. Most things are from experience. So please enjoy. :) <£££>


Aiden's POV

            I walk into the cafeteria to be met by my best bud, Hayden. It freaks me out that our names are so alike, but I think that's something that made us best friends.

            "Sup asshole?!" He exclaimed patting my back. I laugh and push him into a wall.

            "Shut up man. We're juniors in college, yet you still act like a fucking freshman in high school." He grabs a fruit cup and starts munching; he's always had an appetite but ate healthy.

            "It's one of the many things you love about me." He walks over to the water stand and grabs two, "Water as usual right? Gotta keep in shape this season." He handed me the water and paid for his stuff while flirting with the cute cashier girl like he has for the last month.

            We were on the hockey team and baseball team together, he's like my brother. He's been there for me since we were both six, seen me at my highest and lowest. I'd never tell him to his face considering we take any shot we get to call each other gay, I want him to be my friend forever.

            "Dude, get your fucking food and let's talk some tactics for the season." He murmurs with his mouth half full, he's a bit weird.

            I walk over to the hamburgers and grab a piece of paper to write my order down and hand it to the guy, "Hi Aiden." I look over to see Lacey. Lucky for me, my little sister Aubrey is friends with Lacey's sister. Lacey's pretty hot.

            "Hey Lacey, What's goin' on?"

            She puts her hand on my forearm, "Oh, nothing much. I was just gonna go to the mall today and get your little sister a gift." Shit... I totally forgot her birthday was tomorrow.

            "That's real nice of you."

            She giggles and flips her hair, "Well I was an 18 year old girl once, it's all about cute presents, or expensive in my case." We both laughed. "I should get going, my class starts soon. I'll see you later."

            She starts walking away with exaggerated hip sways. The guy behind the grill handed me the plate with my burger and I walked to the cash register to pay. Next to me was Krystina, the constant downer, the definition of an "emo" girl. All she had was a bottle of water and a pack of gum, I let out a small scoff. She looks up at me with her big brown eyes, they look a little dilated.

            "Is something wrong?" She has a cute, petite voice. I've never actually heard her speak before.

            "No, I just thought of something." She nodded and looked down at her gum. The cashier girl gave me my change and as I moved over to put my money back in my wallet I saw Krystina pull out a credit card. I was about to walk away when I heard the cashier girl say, "Your food stamp card won't work."

            Krystina sighed, "Did you really have to say it so loud?"

            "Well get a job and earn money, stop wallowing in self pity and actually do something." I was shocked to hear this, but it was none of my business so I walked back to the table where Hayden was sitting.

            "Dude, the freaky emo girl was behind you! How did it feel?" He asked as if I was talking to an alien.

            "It was ok. All she was gonna buy was gum and water. Kinda weird." Hayden busted out laughing.

            "She's anorexic too?! Holy shit!" I let out a tiny laugh and start eating my burger when I see Krystina run out of the cafeteria with her water bottle in hand.

            "Shit!" I look over at Hayden who's running over to the cashier girl; I throw my burger down and run to her too. "What happened baby, talk to daddy." I look at Hayden oddly but shook it off. This girl was crying hysterically on the floor and her makeup was running.

            "That fucking emo witch hexed me or something! She said shit to me and I told her to fuck off, she grabbed the shit she wanted to buy, looked at me and started running." We could barely understand her she was crying so heavily. Hayden and I stood her up and took her to the infirmary; Hayden decided to stay with her.

            I walk out of the infirmary and saw Krystina sitting on a bench reading something; she was chewing her gum and drinking her water. Looking at her, she has the potential to be pretty but she is honestly too depressing for her own good; she always has on heavy makeup, her hair was always in her face, she wears dark and neutral colored clothes, and wore a lot of bracelets. They were obviously supposed to cover her cuts but everyone sees them, they go all the way up her arms, I don't know why she tries to hide them.

            She looked up and saw me looking at her from across the plaza area. She didn't move a muscle, she is a little creepy but I don't know her well enough to know why she acts that way. I waved at her and she gathered her things, walking in the opposite direction; fucking weirdo. I can't worry about that now, after this class I have to go buy Aubrey a gift for her birthday tomorrow.

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