Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Aiden's POV
I finally got all the balloons up out back. It sucked doing 60 balloons all by yourself, everyone else had 'more important stuff to tend to'. I look at the patio to see Aubrey petting that dog. "Aubrey leave the dog alone." I say as I walk inside, I'm just tired of her shit today. She's been acting like a spoiled brat.

It's 6:30. Finally, people are going to come any time now, the sooner we get started the sooner we can end it. I go into the kitchen and grab a soda. I open it and chug it down.

"Relax with the soda Aiden. You're going to get a tummy ache."

I laugh, "Yeah mom I get it." I squish the can and put it in the recycling bin.

"That's a beautiful dog that Aubrey found." I groan loudly.

"She's still playing with that damn dog!?" I stomp outside and find the dog AND Aubrey gone. I look around outside for her but didn't see her, maybe she went inside. "Mom did Aubrey come back in here?"

"Oh, yes, she's in her room getting ready." I was about to go upstairs when the doorbell rang.

I opened it to find Aubrey's friend Kitty holding a huge present for her, I also saw Lacey carrying a tiny present with her, "Come in you two, you can out the present on the floor and I'll get it sweetheart."

Kitty walks in and sets it on the table, "I'm not 6 Aiden, I'm 17."

I laugh as she walks to the backyard, "Your little sister had gotten more feisty." Lacey laughs and sets her present on top of Kitty's.

"God I know. She is getting so annoying now; I swear I'm going to kill her one of these days." We both laugh and sit on the couch. More guests arrive and soon we all went out back and get ready to eat, "Aiden!"

I go into the kitchen to find my mom grabbing the plates and napkins, "Have you seen Aubrey?"

I exhale loudly, "No. I'll go get her; odds are she's in her room."

"Ok but help me with the cooler first." She walks outside and sets the plates down.

I slam the cooler onto the table and groan, "Fuck that was heavy!"

"Then you should have called me over."

I look to the door and see Hayden, "What's up? Happy you came to a birthday party?" I say loud enough so he could hear over the other noise.

"Yeah I get to meet some hot sisters!" We both laugh.


I jumped back a little, "Dude what?" Hayden pointed over at the door. I looked over and I saw Krystina. "The fuck. I'll be right back bro." I walk over to Krystina, she didn't notice. "The fuck are you doing here?"

"Where's Aubrey?" She asks frantically.

"I said stay away from my sister bitch."

"AIDEN! Where the fuck is Aubrey?"

I groaned loud and pushed her inside, "Listen, I'm sick and tired of your shit, she's fine! She's up in her fucking room! She-" Krystina then ran up the stairs, "You fucking serious?!" I ran up after her to see an empty room. What the-

"You fucking dick suck!" Yelled Krystina, she slapped me as hard as she could across the face and ran down the stairs, I followed her out the door. She's a fast runner. Why the fuck did she hit me?

"Aubrey." I ran back inside and walked into Aubrey's room. "Where the fuck are you Aubrey?" I pull out my phone and call her cell. I hear a phone ring. I turn around to see her cell phone on top of a note. I ended the call and picked up the note. It's from Aubrey.

I'm sorry but I can't stand it... I'm just done. You never would have thought I'd be this messed up in the head.... I'm sorry for everything I've done. Mommy, I have a few requests that I have, I put a piece of paper on your bed explaining what they are. Aiden, make up with Krystina. Don't ask why, just do it. Don't think of this as a bad thing. I get to see Ash soon. I miss him so much; I need to be with him. I'm sorry Aiden. I'm sorry Mommy. But I'm done. I'm done with life. I don't want this. I hate living. I've been cutting for 6 years hoping I could die one day. And today is that day. Don't worry, you won't find my body, I don't want you guys to go through with that. I love you guys so much, I'm sorry I can't stay with you guys anymore. Aiden, tell Krystina something for me. Tell her thank you for everything.
~ Love Aubrey'


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