Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Hayden's POV
             I took out my phone and started to call Aiden's cell. Then I remembered that Aiden lost his phone. There was no way I could get a hold of him. Good plan Aiden, I'm happy you worked out all the details. I sigh and walk over to the vending machine. They never have anything good in these things. I put in a dollar and got the fruit snacks, mixed berry is the best. I sat down and watched the TV in the waiting area, just then my phone started to ring, I don't know who this number belongs to. I answered it shyly, "um... Hi?"

            "Hayden have you found anything?" Thank god it's Aiden.

            "Yeah dude, I brought her in she's in the ER now. We're at Henderson's Hospital."

            "The farthest hospital from where we live?! The fuck was she doin out there?!"

            "I don't know dude but get your ass over here." I hung up and sat in the waiting room, eating my fruit snacks. I looked at the table next to me; it was the book I picked up. I was curious. I opened the book and it was all poems, quotes, stories. I was too lazy to read them so I skimmed through. I saw Aiden's name mentioned so I stopped. I turned back to that page, it was dated yesterday.

            'I talked to Aubrey. She's really considering it; I can't talk her out of it. She's so determined. Suicide isn't anything to be determined about. I tried to go to her house but Aiden invaded. We were ready to go but he ran down and yelled at his sister. He called me emo, pitiful; I mean I'm used to being called these things. My stepdad calls me a million different things. It felt different when Aiden said it though. It hurt more. I would take Geoff hitting me over having Aiden say that crap to me. I don't understand why it hurt so much. But away from that! I told him that I'll be gone. I will... No one needs me, no one cares! Aubrey has Aiden and her mom. I have my mom but she prefers Geoff. He can support us a little bit. I don't blame her. 3 jobs that pay minimum wage don't go as far as owning a small business with a business degree and shit. Aubrey is lucky to have Aiden... Ok fine I like Aiden. No one will read this until I'm dead.

            'I feel guilty because I call Aiden a dick, I tell him to fuck off, and I try to avoid him.... All this in my mind... I say all these mean things to and about him in my head so I could hopefully lose the feelings. They don't go away.... Death can solve it... I know I'm not Aiden or ANYONES type. And that's ok. I don't want anyone to know what I've been through, what's going on, or what I have. Aiden got a hint however. If he cares to stop my decision to kill myself, he'll know. I gave it to him, sorta, on the night he caught Aubrey trying to sneak out. But, when he reads this, I'll be dead. So there is no point really. I just thought it wouldn't hurt to have a little hope.'

            I feel a pain in my chest. She's set a date to kill herself, was today that day? Or has it not come up yet? She has a thing for Aiden?! Why?! He's a nice guy but she doesn't even know him... Maybe Aubrey talks about him to her.

            "Where is she?!" I looked toward the door and I see Aiden flushed red, he's either pissed or really worried or scared.

            "Aiden!" He looks over at me and runs over. "She's in there now; all we can do is wait dude. She was broken. Like a lot. She was so fragile when I picked her up, I was afraid she's snap just by walking. She's in really bad condition." He looked hurt and scared.

            "Do you know how or anything?" He asks fidgeting with his keys.

            "No, I don't know anything; just that this is her book she writes a lot. There's stuff about Aubrey and well, you." He looked at me and back at the book, I handed it to him and he flipped through the pages.

            "She wrote about me? What is there to write?" I sighed.

            "Well from what I was reading before-"

            "Someone here for Krystina Hammons?" Aiden and I ran over to the doctor.

            "How is she doing doctor?" Aiden asked with genuine concern, maybe it is possible he likes her too.

Aiden's POV
             "How is she doing doctor?" I ask frantically, she could die. I don't want that to happen.

            "In all honesty it's really not looking good. We bandaged her up, gave her needed stitches, removed glass shards and gave her casts for her arm and 3 of her ribs. She had a collapsed lung and she suffered from quite a severe brain injury. She's in a coma now, it's not looking too hopeful." I didn't realize it was this bad. My heart sank to my feet.

            "So you're saying she might not live." I ask with a quivering voice.

            "It will be a miracle if she lives though tonight. I'm sorry. We will let you in to say your goodbyes if you wish. Room 313." I pass the book to Hayden and start running down the halls trying to find the room. I finally found it at the end of the hall on the 3rd floor; I look back and see the huge sign, 'Intensive Care Unit'. I feel a lump in my throat, I try to swallow it down and walk into the room. My eyes start watering when I see her; I walk over to her and sit beside her bed.

            My eyes wander her broken body, she had a lot of bandages, I'm really happy I couldn't see her before them. I looked at her arm with the cast, it was a simple teal cast, I slide my hand over it. My throat swells up, it was my fault, and I saw she was hurt, why did I just let her walk away? I look up at her neck, I could see bruises forming from under the bandages, my hand automatically went to her neck, I slide one finger over the bandage and the other lightly on top of the bruise.

            This was wrong of me... She risked her life to save my little sister; I should have heard her out when she came by that night. I shouldn't have let her walk away after she saved my sister, she was the first to know what was happening, and she was so scared.

            Looking back I could see the tears in her eyes, when she hit me, it hurt like a mother fucker but I realize now... She was trying to slap sense into me. I've been through it before with Ash and I still didn't see the sign or get the hint when she was no where to be found. I look up at Krystina's face; she looked white, like she's lost all color. Her lips had a few cuts, they were perfectly shaped, I shook my head and cleared my throat. I'm thankful for her saving my sister, that's all.

            I look up at her nose, broken. Her nose was tiny. I looked up at her eyes, black eyes were inevitable, I can tell now. I just realized how long her eye lashes are, they curled upward naturally. I thought girls had to use makeup to make that happen.

            Hesitantly I bring my hand to her cheek, she can't be wearing any make up, her face is too smooth, there isn't any black eyeliner; they must have cleaned it off before they brought her here. I look at her hair and it's straightened, I look up to see her bangs, I slowly bring my hand to them and move her bangs slightly more out of her face. Her hair was soft; I put my hand down and sighed.

            "You ok Aiden?" I turn back quickly, Hayden was leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets, when his hands are in his pockets it's a serious time, when they're crossed over his chest he's not that serious about the subject, he's concerned jut as much as I am.

            "I'm fine. How long have you been standing there?" He chuckles and walks over to me.

            "I was here since you were feeling her cast, so basically all of it, I came up minutes after you did." He put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed reassuringly. "Aiden..." He grabs a chair, sits beside me and slowly and delicately holds Krystina's hand. "What do you really think of Krystina?"

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