Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

<£££> Month 3:Week 3:Day 6<£££>
Aubrey's POV

It's already 6PM and everyone has came to see me, except the person I was hoping to see. I grab my phone out of my bag and see I have no messages from Hayden. I go to my contacts and decide to call him; I hold the phone to my ear as it rings. After ringing 5 times I hear someone pick up the phone but no one spoke.

"Hayden?" I still hear nothing. "Hayden, could you please answer me? I'm not mad at you. I'm not upset either. I'm fine just please answer me." I hear a sigh. "Hayden?"

"I made you afraid of me." The phone call ended before I could say anything. I wasn't afraid of him. Was I? I don't think I'm afraid of him but afraid of what he was doing. Why did he do it? I decided to text him.

'Hayden just explain to me at least. Why did you do it?'

The nurse walked in, "Hi Aubrey, ready for your weight?" I sighed.

"Not really but ya know I gotta find out so I can know if I can get outta here already." She laughed and nodded.

"Very true." She got the scale ready and when I stepped on I heard my phone go off. I was about to step off when the nurse grabbed my hand, "It can wait Aubrey; let me finish up here please." I sigh and stand still. After about 3 more minutes she calculated and writes things down.

"Well?" She smiled at me and handed me a chart.

"Well Aubrey, from this chart look at your height, your starting weight was 111 pounds. What does this chart say?" I looked at it and saw I was in a green area by one notch.

"I was barely on the scale for malnourished."

She nodded, "Yes you were, and now you're 132." I almost gagged at the number. "You're within the normal weight for your height and age now. We will discharge you ASAP. Call your mom and you can leave." I smile.

"Awesome! Thank you!" She nods and walks out the door, my face drops when I look at my phone. I sit down and sigh. I lift it up and open the message from Hayden.

'I wish I could tell you Aubrey. Not even Aiden knows. I can't be with you, you don't deserve me. Believe me when I say I'm really, really sorry.'

I swallow hard and decide to call him again. He didn't answer, I called again. Once more no answer. I yelled into my pillow and called him again. This time he answered.

"Listen to me Hayden; I have a right to know what happened. What made you do that? I just want you to talk to me, please, I lo-" I can't say I love him, I might but then again I might be over reacting, "I care about you a lot Hayden. Please."

I hear a sigh and a slam. "No Aubrey! I don't want to talk about it!" I flinch from the sudden yelling.

"Why not Hayden? I'm here for you because-"

"Aubrey don't."

"Because I love you." I hung up the phone as soon as I heard him say my name again; I wiped my face with my jacket sleeve. I walked to the bathroom to compose myself and change, I take off the hospital gown and I look in the mirror and I see exactly how fat I've gotten as well as the bruises on my hips, I lightly run my hands over them and sigh, I hope he's okay. I slide my hands from the bruises to my stomach; I look up and see my fat face. My cheeks looked like a chipmunks, I looked back down at my stomach which now hung over my underwear. I open up the back of my phone case and take out the hidden razor, I bring it to my stomach and carve the word fat right above the word suicide.

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