Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Aiden's POV

            I woke up at 2 in the morning with a nightmare. I groan and throw my pillow at the wall. I get out of bed and walk to Aubrey's room, she's sleeping peacefully. I smile and look at the room down the hall; I feel a lump forming my throat. I slowly walk over to the door, grab the door knob and turn it. I stand there, debating to open the door, "Fuck it." I let go of the door knob and turn around, walking to the bathroom.

            I wash my face and look into the mirror. I look into my eyes and sigh; they remind me so much of-

            "Aiden, can I use the bathroom please?" I clear my throat and open the door to see Aubrey.

            "Everything ok Bree?"

            "Don't call me Bree. It's Aubrey." She walks into the bathroom and closes the door in my face. She loves it when I call her Bree whether she admits it or not; it's my personal nickname for her. I sigh and walk into my room, I pick up my pillow and get ready to try to go back to sleep when I see someone walking outside. It's 2 in the morning! Who the fuck is out walking at this time of night?

             The dog stops and turns to her, she kneels down and pets it. The wind blows and her hair goes everywhere, she gathers her hair up and put it into a pony tail, she had a tattoo. I can't see too much of it, it looks like wings of some kind, I try to look closer but her dog ran behind her. She looked at the dog with a big smile.

            It was Krystina. I'm pretty sure it is, I've never actually seen her smile, her dog sits and she smiles wider, she looks up at me. Her smile automatically fades. Yeah it's Krystina. Her dog runs over to the front door and her eyes widen. She runs over to the dog, I run down the stairs to see Aubrey dressed kneeling by the dog.

             "Bree, what the fuck are you doing?" She stands up quickly and the dog sits, "I was getting some water, the dog was clawing on the door so I opened it and wanted to pet it."

             "First off, don't open the fucking door this late at night Bree, and second, why are you dressed to go somewhere?" She swallows hard and I see a shadow move. I walk over to the door and see Krystina looking at the ground.

             "What the fuck are you doing to my sister?" She looks up at me, she's really short, and how did I not notice this before. She's like 5'3.

"I'm not doing anything to her."


             "Go!.... Go to your room Bree."


             "Go. To. Your. Fucking. Room." I hear her sigh and walk up the stairs. I see Krystina's face fall into a sorrowful look, "you shouldn't be so rude to your sister."

            "Shut the fuck up." Her eyes widen. Her dog walks outside with its tail between its legs. "You have no right to speak. You're on my property. I could have someone arrest you for trespassing."


            "No!" She flinches back slightly and bites her lip. "You need to leave. Never... EVER... Bother my little sister again." She sighs.

            "Aiden you don't understand."

            "Get off my property you worthless piece of emo shit. I was ok with you. But now you've crossed the line. Go home and cut yourself. Kill yourself for all I care.... Just leave my sister alone." I could see her tear up a little bit. She scoffs and smiles slightly.

            "Don't worry..." She throws a piece of paper at me. "I'll be outta your life soon." She quickly turned and walked away. The dog followed behind her. I close the door and pick up the paper. I open it up, just as I'm about to read it, Aubrey comes down the stairs.

            "Why did you say that stuff to her Aiden?" I roll my eyes and shove the paper into my jacket pocket hanging on the coat rack. "Go to bed Bree." She slowly goes up the stairs. I make sure she is changed into pajamas after a few minutes. I grab a chair and walk into her room.

            "Aiden what are you doing?" I close the door and set the chair in front of it and sit.

            "I'm making sure you don't see that emo fuck again." She rolled over and got comfortable.

             "Don't call her that Aiden. Just don't."

Krystina's POV
             I walk over to the park; I have my dog Bubbles behind me marking his territory. I sit on the bench and open my jacket; I unzip my hidden compartment and took out my poetry book. I flipped it to the back page and grabbed the razor. Bubbles was at my feet, sitting, looking into the distance. Seeing the city lights. I smile and pat his head, I sigh and move my bracelets aside, and I hold the razor to my skin and slide it across swiftly.

            I squeak lightly at the first cut. I exhaled slowly and placed the razor back on my wrist, this time I pressed down harder and slid it across my wrist slowly, I bit my lip hard. After a few more cuts getting deeper each time I sighed in relief. I needed this. I chuckled to myself.

            'Get off my property you worthless piece of emo shit. I was ok with you. But now you've crossed the line. Go home and cut yourself. Kill yourself for all I care.... Just leave my sister alone.'

I laughed at the thought of his talk. I'm so demented, I just cut and I'm laughing. Little does he know what he's doing is gonna kill his sister, not help her. I stopped smiling.

            'I promise.'

            I close my eyes, I can't stop. I need to help her. I promised. I always keep my promises. She trusts me. She needs me... I need her...

            Brody... I wish you were here to help me... I open my eyes and see Bubbles looking at me. I kiss his head and stand up. My arm is dripping blood. I put my razor in my book as I walk away from my bench; I look beside me to make sure Bubbles is following. I put my book back in my jacket and zip it up. I pull down my sleeves to over the blood running down my arm. I'll wash it off when I get home.

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