Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Aiden's POV
SOMEONE HELP ME! Just then I feel someone shove me aside, it's Hayden. He grabs Krystina's hand and runs his other hand through her hair.

"It's ok Krystina! Relax please. Its fine, I'm here, Aiden is here. We aren't going anywhere. Relax. Please." As Hayden speaks Krystina's heart rate slowly starts going back to normal. Hayden let's out a sigh of relief and kisses her forehead. "I'm here. It's ok. It's ok. You're not alone." He glares up at me and I step back.


"Aiden don't dude me!" I shut my mouth and listen, "You should have read the book first before you came here! She's been abandoned her whole life, you have to let her know she's not alone and that you won't leave her! When you just dropped her hand everything she remembered as a child relived!" I look at Krystina; Hayden was still holding her hand. His fingers intertwined with hers, did he like her? Something came up inside me.

"Why are you holding her hand like that!?" Hayden stepped back. "Do you love her or something?!" Hayden looked confused.

"I don't love her like that. I love her like Aubrey loves her. I'm holding her hand like this because she doesn't like holding hand any other way unless the hand is tinier than hers, so like a child. But since my hands are bigger she prefers it being held like this. It's comforting for her." I breathe heavily and walk out of the room, I hear Hayden say something, "I'm here, I'll be back." He walks out of the room and grabs my shoulder,

"Aiden, what is you problem?" I hit his hand away.

"It pisses me off that you know so much about her when you were being a dick to her before Hayden! Just because you brought her into the hospital and read her book doesn't mean you're her friend! And it pisses me off even more that you are holding her hand and kissing her like she's your girlfriend! She's not!" I don't know what took over me. I just started talking and all this came up. Hayden smiled, "What the fuck are you smiling about now?!"

"Aiden... You like her don't you?"

Krystina's POV
It sucks being in a coma, having an out if body experience means I have a greater chance of death. It scares me. I walk around until someone comes into my room. I look at the time. It's the middle of class and Ms. Masters went home to nap. I don't blame her.

She's been so kind to me. She treats me like a daughter. My mom treats me like a daughter too but she isn't here... I've been gone for about 2 days and she hasn't come yet. Maybe in a week or so she'll realize something is wrong and look for me. I hear footsteps from behind me and I see Hayden and Aubrey walk in. I smile and sit on the foot of the bed by my body.

"Hey Krystina." said Hayden first and kissed my head. My heart skipped a beat and my heart monitor showed it. Hayden and Aubrey both laughed. Aubrey gave me a hug and again the monitor skipped. Aubrey sat on Hayden's lap and both held my hand. Hayden read my book, he told me late last night once everyone else left. He knows that Aubrey likes him now. He seems to be taking it well. I see a bit of color rise to Aubrey's cheeks when Hayden put his a around her waist. Age shouldn't matter with love. Hayden knew deep down he cares for Aubrey. He just didn't realize how much she also cared for him until my book. By looking at him now, he seems to be growing the same fondness that Aubrey has for him.

"Hey Krystina, today at school we were learning about some shit about graphing fractions and I just need to say it's easy, so you psyched me out for nothing!" I laughed and my heart monitor showed my heart beating faster. Hayden laughed too.

"You think graphing fractions is difficult Krystina? Really?!" Aubrey and Hayden laughed together and I smiles at the two of them, what can I say, math isn't my best subject! "Krystina, I know I told you last night that I read your book, but I didn't tell you that your hand writing sucks, BUT! The poems are very good. And I hope you're not mad, but I put one up on a website and they contacted me saying they really liked it and with your approval would like to out it in a book, it would have to wait until next years book though. The dead line for this years was a week ago." I smiled wide, he did that for me?! My heart rate monitor sped up. He's a sweet guy, he and Aubrey belong together. Just then seriousness took over the room. I looked over and saw Aiden standing at the door, he looked concerned.

"Hayden, what if she doesn't wake up?" Aubrey asks in a tiny voice. I automatically frown, Hayden shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know, because she will wake up. She'll wake up to see you again Aubrey, I don't know when but she will." Hayden hugged her; I saw Aiden's muscles tense, what was he so angry about?

"Pinkies and Promises?" Aubrey asks and holds up her pinky finger. Hayden and I smile, Hayden holds out his pinky finger, "Pinkies and Promises."

I smiled and started tearing up, they are using my sayings. Aubrey started crying too, Hayden holds Aubrey closer, "Aubrey its ok. She hears us. She heard my promise. She knows. She never breaks a promise, and I don't either. She heard us; she'll come back to us." Aubrey smiled and wiped her tears away. That's right Aubrey, I won't give up. I need to help Hayden with his promise, and when I complete that promise I will make you promise to confess your feelings to Hayden.

"Thank you, Hayden. Can you drop me off at school again?" I saw Aiden roll his eyes.

"Sure thing Aub. I'll write a note saying you were excused for these two classes ok? If you ever need me just give me a call and I'll come right over and get you. I'm always here for you. And so is Krystina." I smiled and nodded. If only I could tell her. Aubrey smiled and hugged my body lightly, the heart monitor skipped and Aubrey laughed.

"I love you too Krystina." Aubrey moved over a bit so Hayden could come through. Hayden gave me a kiss on the forehead; the heart monitor skipped again, "We won't leave your side Krystina." I smile and see Aiden run out of the room. I walk out and Hayden and Aubrey follow behind me. I stepped out of the room and couldn't find Aiden. Once Hayden and Aubrey left I saw Aiden turn around from behind the receptionist desk. He slowly walked into my room and sat down on the chair once occupied by Hayden and Aubrey. He holds my hand and looks around the room to be sure no one is coming.

"Hey Krystina, it's Aiden." My heart starts beating quickly, he's actually wanting to speak to me; the heart monitor picks up. He quickly let's go of my hand and I get scared. Don't leave me Aiden! Please, I'm sorry. My heart and heart monitor are skyrocketing even faster. He's about to run from the room, don't leave!

Hayden runs in and grabs my hand and runs his hand through my hair. "It's ok Krystina! Relax please. Its fine, I'm here, Aiden is here. We aren't going anywhere. Relax. Please."My heart rate starts going down as Hayden is calming me, Aiden was going to leave, he didn't leave, thank you Hayden.

Hayden let's out a sigh of relief and kissed my forehead. "I'm here. It's ok. It's ok. You're not alone." I was getting a bit light headed, I sit on the edge of the bed, I'm exhausted. I look at Aiden and black out.


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