Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

<£££>Three Weeks Later <£££>

Aiden's POV
I walk into the hospital and say hi to the receptionist. I stand in the elevator and hit the 3rd floor button. I've been reading Krystina's book, she has been through a lot, I'm surprised that I'm only half way and I know I wouldn't live as long as she had. I finally knew who Brody was.

Brody, her younger brother. He hung himself in the bed room he and Krystina shared; she was the one to find him. She tried to get him down but she was freaking out crying, then her dad came in and pushed her aside while he took Brody down and tried to give him mouth to mouth but it was already too late. It reminded me of Ashton.

I reached the 3rd floor and walked to the end of the hall and walked into the room. I see Krystina laying there, it's been a month and she was still in a coma. It scares me that she'll never wake up. I sit down beside the bed and grab her hand.

"Krystina, I'm here. I'm almost half way through your book." I look down at it and swallowed hard. "I love your poems, especially the one about your father; your birth dad. You really loved him didn't you?" The heart monitor skipped a few beats. I smiled.
"I'm sorry I haven't been here for a few days. But when you come to I have a present for you." The heart monitor skipped again. I held her hand tighter, I looked at her arms; the only cuts visible were the self inflicted ones, "I'm here Krystina."

I let go of her hand and walk around to the other side of the bed to the arm that didn't have a cast on it. I grabbed that hand and kissed the most visible scar, it was long; it ran across from one side of her arm to the other. I ran my finger along it and the heart monitor went crazy.

"Chill out girl. I'm not going anywhere, I'm here." I let go of her arm and walked over to the chair and sat down again. "I was going to come and read your book," I grabbed her hand and held it tight, "but after reading about your dad and what happened, I figured I should tell you about my dad and my brother Ashton." Just the thought of talking about them together makes me want to cry. "If I tell you will you listen?" The monitor skipped and I smiled.

"Alright. Well... Here goes nothing."

Krystina's POV
I wake up the next day and Aiden is already here. He looks like he hasn't slept in weeks. I sit up and see him holding my arm. He ran his finger across the scar that almost killed me my junior year of high school. My heart was beating fast and the heart monitor was going crazy, "Chill out girl, I'm not going anywhere, I'm here." He spoke lightly and traveled back to the chair. He sat down and placed my book in his lap, he was almost half way. Wow! He read about 50 pages in one night?! Did he go to class today?

"I was going to come and read your book," he grabbed my hand, "but after reading about your dad and what happened, I figured I should tell you about my dad and my brother Ashton." He held my hand tighter and sighed lightly. "If I tell you will you listen?" Of course I would Aiden. The heart monitor skipped and he swallowed hard.

"Alright. Well... Here goes nothing."

Hayden's POV
I wrapped my arm around Aubrey's shoulder as we walked into the hospital. "I needs my fruit snacks, do you want anything?" She shook her head.

"I'm fine. I don't really trust vending machines." I look at her oddly.

"That's a strange type of phobia. Is there a reason behind it?" She laughed and leaned against the wall while I put in my money and punched in the number for the mixed berry fruit snacks.

"Because think, if one day some random guy was sick of his job and decided to drug everything. He could kill people and nobody takes any thought to even check and make sure like they do with Halloween candy. It's possible." I open the packaging and eat a piece.

"It sounds a bit unrealistic Aubrey." I say eating another one. She shakes her head.

"I said it's possible not reasonable." I laughed at her and ate another. "So." We started walking to the elevator slowly. She was looking at the floor blushing.

"So?..." She looked up to see I shoved the rest of the gummies into my mouth.

"Dear God Hayden don't choke!" She yelled.

"You don't choke Princess!" I said with a hassle, that was a lot of gummies, she smiled at me while I was struggling to chew, "What?" She giggled at me and shook her head. I finally managed to chew and swallow all the gummy fruit snacks without dying. "Holy shit that scared me." She laughed again. "Wait what made you laugh the first time?"

She smiled and looked at the ground, "Other than the sexual innuendo, you gave me a cute pet name." I think back of what I said.

"Princess?" She nodded and smiled wide, she did look adorable, our relationship has grown over the last few weeks but I still had to keep my feelings on lock down, "That sexual innuendo was fucking awesome though." I said walking away, she laughed behind me and hopped onto my back, I almost fell over considering I wasn't expecting it. "Whoa! Since when my nickname turn into pack mule?" She giggled into my back.

"Since I became Princess." I could help but laugh. I grabbed her legs and walked to the elevator. When the door opened I saw Lacey running out in tears. I was about to run after her when Aubrey kicked me lightly. "She doesn't like to be bothered at all while she's crying, I'll have Kitty text me later when she's not crying and we can go over." I nodded and walked into the elevator.

I put Aubrey down and slid against the wall, "What are you doing?" She asks while smiling at me.

"I don't even know, I hate elevator rides, the music is tacky and they take longer that the stairs."

She laughs at me and jumps on my back again as soon as the door opens, "Onward to room 313 Peanut Butter Cup!"

She kicked my thigh, pretty close to my junk, "Whoa! Watch where them feet go Princess. This horse has no reason to be castrated." She laughed into my back hard. I chuckled myself from hearing her laugh so much.

I walked us into the room when I see Aiden on the floor gathering pages from Krystina's book. What the fuck happened here?! I put Aubrey down and knelt beside Aiden.

"Dude what happened?" He was looking at torn pages front and back. He looked like shit, I looked at Aubrey and she just stood there.

"That bitch..." I look back at Aiden. "That fucking bitch..."

"Who Aiden. What happened, you gotta talk to me man." He hit the floor and aggressively threw papers at the wall.

"LACEY! The bitch came in the room, hit me, ripped apart Krystina's book and did that!" He pointed at Krystina. I stood up and walked over to her. She had something on her cheek. I tilted her head and I saw a burn in the shape of a pentagram.

"Aubrey!" Aubrey ran to me and saw Krystina's cheek.

"Guys its ok! A pentagram is a symbol of protection, it doesn't really mean evil, the idiot probably didn't know."

Aiden stood up and walked over to Krystina, "Will it leave a mark?" I look at Aubrey and she looks down. "WILL IT-"

"YES!" Aubrey yelled. My heart sank. "It's going to leave a scar..."

"How bad of a scar?" I asked Aubrey, she looked at Krystina's arms, and then lifted her shirt; I flinched just seeing her scars, she pointed at the 'E' on her stomach from the big letters she engraved into her body spelling out suicide. It was bad but it looked like it could be hidden with her hair and makeup.

Aiden moved the hair out of Krystina's face and kissed her nose. I was actually shocked. I grabbed Aubrey's hand and pulled her to me. "Go tell the nurses what happen, give them as much information about Lacey as possible." She nodded and went to the receptionist desk. I knelt down and started collecting the papers. Aiden was on the other side of the bed running his hand through Krystina's hair.

He liked her, the way he looked at her; there was no denying it now. He liked her, and knew it.


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