Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

Krystina's POV

I walk into the cafeteria and grab my Winter Mint gum. I walk past Mr. Big Shot and his slut girlfriend. How do I know she's a slut? You wouldn't believe how many guys I've seen her with. I grab my water and as I walk to the register I stop in my tracks; I don't remember if I brought my food stamp card. I walk to the side and dig through my bag, I think I might have left it for mom to buy the groceries today, I really hope not.

I see the slut in my peripheral vision trying to act sexy by swinging her hips. I roll my eyes and continue looking; I finally see it down at the bottom of my bag. I sigh in relief and put it in my pocket. I grab my "lunch" and walk to the register, the guy from before is in front of me. I know exactly who he is. Aiden Masters, one of the top players on the hockey and baseball teams here. His best friend, Hayden is also one of the top players. Aiden is kinda of attractive, he's fit, and he's everything everyone seems to want. I feel his eyes skimming over me. I hear a small scoff from him.

I look up at him, "Is something wrong?" he looks at my lunch and back to me, I see his eyebrow twitch; he's going to lie to me.

"No, I just thought of something." I look down at my gum, fucking bullshit liar. Say what you want. I'll be gone anyway, just speak. He moves over so I can pay for my things. I hand the girl my food stamp card, I feel him looking at me. Please stop!

"Your food stamp card won't work." The girl says louder than needed.

I sighed, seriously bitch? "Did you really have to say it so loud?"

She leaned over the counter with a smirk and said, "Well get a job and earn money, stop wallowing in self pity and actually do something." My jaw stiffened, I can't lose control. As soon as I felt Aiden's presence leave I looked up at the girl.

"Listen, you don't know my situation. Can you please just scan it again?" I say as calmly as I can but my fists are clenched. She snickers and throws the card at me.

"No I won't, use real money or starve emo. Oh wait! You already starve yourself; I guess you're already used to it." She said with a smirk. I bent down to pick up my food stamp card; control Krystina, I CAN'T lose control again.

"Can I pay with money tomorrow? I'll stick to my word like I always do." She leans forward again and grinned evilly.

"Just like how you promised your little brother you'd save him?"

That's it... I grabbed my gum and water and took a deep breath; as soon as she looked into my eyes I knew she was mine, "You're dead to everyone in your family. You disobeyed your father's orders, you lost your virginity willingly at age 13, and your family has disowned you. You feel pain, anger, sadness, guilt, self hatred, incompetent. So why are you even here? You're dead to everyone..." She sunk to the floor. "You're all alone and no one is willing to help you." I close my eyes and sigh heavily, she started crying, I could hear that. When I open my eyes I realized what I've done. Fuck! I'm so sorry! I started running.

I ran to my bench outside the theatre hall, exhale heavily, and take out my poetry book. I see Aiden and his friend carrying the girl to the infirmary, she was a bitch but I hope she's ok. I feel so much guilt and hatred toward myself. I look down at my book and open it to the middle page.

I smile slightly, a family picture; me, my mother, my father and my baby brother. I was a freshman in high school when this picture was taken, my little brother was in the 7th grade. This is the year my mom found out she was going to have another baby, we all looked so happy... I touch my little brother's face in the picture. I sigh and close my eyes, "I love you Brody. I'm sorry."

I open my eyes and my whole body tenses, someone's watching me. I look up and see Aiden staring at me from afar. The fuck are you looking at? Go do something else. He waves at me with a smile. I groan and roll my eyes while I pack up my crap; I put the picture in my book and walk away. I'm not too sure where I'm going but anywhere is better than here.

I stop walking when I know I'm out of Aiden's view, I put my bag down and opened my book and take out the picture; I kiss Brody's face and sigh.

"I'll figure out a way to fix things Brody. I promise." I put the picture in my book and slide my book back into my bag. "I promise if it's the last thing I do."

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