Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

<£££> Month 3:Week 4 <£££>
Aiden's POV

I walk into the hospital and go up to the 3rd floor. I look at the receptionist desk and see an older lady; I walk over and clear my throat. "Hi, is Zoe here today?" The lady shook her head.
"Nah hunny. Zoe took her two week vacation time all at once. Stupid and childish move if you ask me." I shake my head and walk into Krystina's room. Just looking at her made my heart beat fast, not only out of love but fear. Two more days is all she has left. Only two more, then she is getting cut off, she needs to wake up. I sit down on the chair and grab her hand.
"Krystina you've gotta wake up now, please. Aubrey needs you. I need you." I grip her hand tighter, "Please Krystina. I want you in my life." I kiss the top of her hand and tear up. I cough and stop the tears, I sigh and walk out of the hospital, I can't see her like this, I just can't. If I don't show up tomorrow then maybe she'll wake up, but it might be my last chance to see her.

I get in my car and head home. If I don't stay there today maybe she'll wake up. She's gotta wake up if I'm not there. It's just for one day, I'll see her tomorrow, awake.

Hayden's POV
As soon as I see Aiden leave the hospital parking lot, I get out if my car and walk in. I make sure to look around and be sure nobody is here. I walk into the elevator and push the 3rd floor button. I can't believe I'm actually going to tell someone my life story. She was unconscious but nevertheless I was about to spill my deepest secrets that even Aiden doesn't know.

The elevator doors open and I walk out. I look over at the receptionist desk and see an older lady maybe in her mid-40's sorting through papers. I walk into Krystina's room and sit beside her.

"Hey Krystina," I grab her hand and kiss the top of it, "I'm sorry I haven't been here. It's been hard just watching you lay here." I sigh and look down at the floor. "I came here cause I need to let this weight off my shoulders. Right now I know you're the only one who won't judge and just listen." I look up at her face and sigh again.

"When I was 3 my dad died, I don't even have a memory of him. My mom became an alcoholic after that, she used to hit me sometimes because I reminded her so much of my dad but the next day she'd drink even more and say she doesn't deserve a great kid like me and deserves to die or at the very least get alcohol poisoning and end up in a coma. The irony huh?" I laugh a little bit then clear my throat.

"Sorry, I don't mean it. I'm that type of person who laughs off the pain most of the time. But later on we were struggling for money, so she decided to become a foster mom, she adopted Jonas when he was 5, I was 12 so we got along fairly well, he knew to stay out of my stuff and I knew that he was technically still a baby so I couldn't hurt him. We got some money and we had enough to live decently enough, had food, water, transportation and such. Then my mom started drinking again, the money was going faster and faster, then she dated this one guy named Will when I was 16. He was a good guy but my mom dated him for the money which was literally dirty money, he's a pimp. He offered my mom a spot but she didn't take it because it wouldn't be right to sell sex for money. But after they broke up 3 months later, she still drank a lot but then resorted to drugs."

"Six months before my 17th birthday she became a prostitute herself but it was to pay for her alcohol and drugs. We were running low on money and food and Jonas was only like 9 or ten and he was growing and needed food, so I decided to call Will and ask him for help. He did give is money for a long time, up until I reached 18 then he told me about what his job was and how it would benefit me." I sigh and grip Krystina's hand harder, my heart was beating out of my chest at this point; here it comes.

"I said I'd do it. I didn't hesitate. As soon as he told me how much I could make and how it would help out Jonas, I said yes. He's my brother; I had to help him stay healthy. That was how I lost my virginity. Some 30 year old lady who was willing to pay a thousand dollars for a young virgin, Will said I could keep it because it was my first time not only sex wise but selling myself. I'm not going to lie it was uncomfortable; I didn't know what to do with myself. I felt dirty for days, but it didn't matter because I bought Jonas a few toys with the money after getting food. He was so happy and it made me happy knowing I could support him. So I did that until I was 20."

I bite my lip and close my eyes. "When I was 20, almost 21, this girl was only eighteen when we did it and it turns out that she lied and said she was on birth control and didn't let me use protection cause it was weird for her. She was clear of any STDs so I went with it. A week after my 21st birthday, Will called me and asked me what the fuck happened, I didn't know what he was talking about but apparently, this girl got pregnant. She was a month pregnant before she paged Will. I stopped after that because I was freaked out; I got a random girl pregnant because it needed the fucking money." I let out a jagged breath.

"She had the baby; she put the baby up for adoption. I thought I wasn't going to see the baby but then something totally fucking weird happened. Long story short, Ellie is my foster sister but she's also my daughter. My mom doesn't know and Jonas doesn't know. Nobody knows except you. You're the only one who knows all of this Krystina. Hayden and Aubrey think I'm an only child living with my mom and dad but that's not the case. It's a fucked up family, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's just getting to be too much now because Jonas is getting older and Ellie is at the age where it's nothing but growth, my mom is nowhere to be found and someone has to pay rent and buy food and such. It's fucked up though." I look up at Krystina's face and smile. "Ellie looks like me but nobody has put it together. Aside from the hair and clothes, Ellie and I look exactly the same, same eye color, same smile, it's unbelievable. I just wish I didn't fuck up my life so bad that Ellie has a dad who is a brother and no real mom."

"You know Hayden-" I turn around quickly to see someone standing at the door. "You're not alone in this."

Will's POV
I get out of the car and walk into the house. I see someone lying on the couch, "Hayden?" No answer. "Jonas?" No answer. "Sonya?"

"Mmhmm." Yup it's drunk Sonya. I walk into Hayden's room and see Jonas asleep with his homework in front of him. I walk in and slowly place his books on the floor and cover him with a blanket. I walk out and go into Ellie's room. She's cuddled with her Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal on the floor; guess it's nap time for the alcoholic druggie and the children. Where the fuck was Hayden?

I pick up Ellie and put her onto the bed, she is such a cutie. Such a shame she has a terrible mother, at least Hayden treats her like a little princess. I hear a door open and close; I walk out of Ellie's room and see Hayden. "Hayden?" He jumps slightly and sighs.

"Dude what the fuck? You scared the shit outta me."

"Sorry man, but I have your pay." He turns to me and holds out his hand. I take out my wallet and sort through my money.

"Thanks Will, it really means a lot." I shrug my shoulders and hand him four hundred dollars.

"No problem, but Jonas and Ellie are taking nap time I guess. And don't forget you have the mother load tonight as well as a 700 deal." I hope he can make it to the 700 deal; the underage girl could be a set up. He pockets the money and looks at his watch.

"Yeah it's Ellie's nap time, Jonas probably fell asleep while doing homework right?" I nod and he smiles, he really knows these kids well, "and I don't even know what my mom is doing here."

"She looks dead." He looks at me and shrugs his shoulders. "You don't look too good either mate. What's wrong?" He sighed.

"Something happened at the hospital, don't worry about it." I nod lightly and shove my hands in my pocket.

"Alright well I gotta go pay the rest of the guys and girls. I'll see you later." I walk to the door and look down at Sonya.

"Alright later Will." She always did look beautiful in my eyes, but now she is literally like all the other alcoholics I know, sluts. I walk out the door and get in my car to go pay my best selling girl.

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