Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Aiden's POV
"Aiden sweetie calm down!"

"DUDE! Chill out and tell us what you're freaking about!"

Tears were running down my face, "Aubrey left a suicide note! She's going to kill herself! I don't know where she is either!" My mom burst into tears automatically and Hayden's mouth dropped to the floor, "Hayden you need to help me look for her! Now!" Hayden took his keys out of his pocket.

"I'll check the area down on West End!" He ran out and soon I heard tired screeching.

"Mom! You gotta tell everyone to help and look for her! Go now! We'll find her!" She nodded and ran out back, I wiped my tears and ran outside. I ran to the college campus and looked everywhere I could. I start to run to the beach but Hayden pulls up next to me, "Did you find her?" He yells to me.

"Dude I'm freaking out I don't know where she could fucking be! Go check the beach! The ledge with the rocks! Go!" Hayden's car took off. I ran to the abandoned auto place. Within 20 minutes, I saw the dog sitting there, "Move dog!" I was almost there; the dog ran in front of me, "The fuck is your problem demon dog!" I kicked it and it yelped. I finally got to the auto place and went inside. After carefully but quickly looking everywhere I couldn't find her, I started crying. My phone started ringing, "Hello?..."

          "Did you find her?! She's not by the beach at all. Dude do you have any ideas?!" I got outside and I saw the dog just sitting there.

"I have no idea at all dude... What if she's already dead..." The dog slowly walks over to me.

"DONT SAY SHIT LIKE THAT DUDE! WE'LL FUCKING FIND HER, ALIVE! I'M STILL LOOKING AND SO SHOULD YOU! GO!" And he hung up. I dropped my phone and fell to the floor, I started crying. I felt something wet on my hand, I looked up and saw the dog. I pushed it away but it came back, it grabbed my sleeve and pulled, "Fucking dog I don't wanna play." It let go and faced in the direction behind me, it lifted its paw and barked. I'm going to lose another sibling to suicide. First Ashton, now Aubrey.

The dog whined and started walking in the direction it was facing. I sat in the same spot, then I felt a tug on my hood, the dog was pulling me, "FUCK! Fine dog! I'll follow just leave me the fuck alone." The dogs tail started wagging and it started running, "Seriously!?" I groaned and ran after it. After what seemed like half an hour the dog stopped running and started walking. I kept following it, "What the fuck dog..." I looked up to see two girls sitting on a bench in the park across the street, the dog ran across and sat at their feet, both started petting it. Aubrey!

I ran across the street and saw Aubrey crying, Krystina was sitting beside her holding her hand. Krystina found her and didn't bother fucking telling me?! She's the cause of all this! She turned my sister into this! I stand in front of Krystina, "The fuck is your problem! Are you rubbing your sick emo shit all over my sister?!" Krystina stands up and starts to walk away, "BITCH IM TALKING TO YOU! ANSWER ME YOU PITIFUL EMO FUCK! YOU MADE HER WANT TO KILL HERSELF DIDNT YOU?!" She stopped dead in her tracks, I saw blood hit the ground beside her, did she cut herself?... We all stayed silent, Krystina sniffled.

"I saved her life you ass..." My eyes widened and my heart skipped.


She walked off with a noticeable limp. She saved my sister.... I looked down at Aubrey, she seemed ok.

"Aubrey what did you do? What happened? What were you thinking?!" I hugged her tightly. She pushed me aside. "Aubrey..."

"She saved me life.... And you just let her go..." Aubrey stood up and walked toward the main entrance of the park, the dog followed behind her.

"Aubrey where are you going?!" She just continued walking, I ran after her, once I caught up I grabbed her shoulders, "Where are you going Aubrey?!"

She looked down and started crying. She hit my hands away, "I'm going home! Krystina wanted me to go home! She made me promise after she saved me! Leave me alone and give me money for me and Bubbles to get in a taxi!" I handed her my wallet and she hailed a taxi. I started to walk over. "Don't come with me!" I stopped in my tracks. She let the dog in and she got in, closed the door and the taxi took off.

She made a promise to Krystina... Krystina saved her life....

I sighed and started to walk home. The same sentence kept coming into mind...

'She saved my life... And you just let her go....'

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