Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Aiden's POV
Both Aubrey and I have missed school for a week; I haven't seen Hayden since he left the hospital. I walk into the cafeteria and see Hayden pushing our left outfielder, Josh, into a wall. I dropped my bag and ran over to them.

"The fuck is your problem! You don't know anything you pitiful fuck!" Hayden said with obvious anger in his eyes.

"Fuck you Hayden! Looking to get laid by a freak now?!" I saw Hayden lift his fist and I knew there was so holding him back, he was stronger than me. His fist made contact with Josh's nose, I got between them once Josh slid to the floor, and I started pushing Hayden away.

"Hayden what the fuck are you doing?!" He grabs his bag and walks away. I help Josh up, run for my bag and catch up to Hayden. "Hayden!"

He turned around swiftly, "What Aiden!?" I was taken back from his snappy tone.

"Why were you doin that shit to Josh?" I ask calmly.

He turns around and starts walking away, "He deserved it that's why." I ran up to him and stood in front of him causing him to stop in his tracks.

"How did he deserve it Hayden?" Hayden was fighting back tears. Why is he-

"Because he said that Krystina should have died, she's just causing bad publicity not only for the school but for the team because you and I always go to the hospital to see her."

He visits her in the hospital? I never see him. "Why are you making a huge deal out of it? She is a suicidal girl Hayden; she was going to do it anyway." Hayden pushed me and I fell to the floor. I lay there shocked that he got upset over that. He dug in his bag and pulled out the book from the hospital.

He threw it at me and started walking away, "I finished it, even after reading all that I don't understand why she likes you." I pick up the book and stand up, I see Hayden cross the street almost getting hit by a car. Hayden what the fuck happened to you?

I hold the book in my hands and open to the first page, it had Krystina's name on the front on what seemed like Calligraphy, it looked really good. I was about to turn the page when I saw a date written on the bottom corner. 3/13/2013. That was Aubrey's birthday, the day she almost killed herself. I look up and close the book. I start to walk to my next class when I see the bench Krystina sat on when we stood by each other by the register that day. I slowly start walking over to the bench and sit down; I feel on the book and decide to open it up. I open it to the second page, it was a quote written in Calligraphy, 'When A Psychic Writes Poetry, Who Knows What Kind Of Truths Are Locked Within Her Images.' She's psychic?

Hayden's POV
I walk into the cafeteria and buy a coke and chocolate. I've been eating pretty unhealthy since I reached the 27th page of Krystina's book, she didn't say anything to make me eat unhealthy but I was so absorbed in the words she wrote that I needed something to help me lose focus and that would be caffeine.

I paid for my things, "So." I look up and see the cute cashier girl giving me a flirtatious look, "You've been MIA for a little while. How are you?" She touches my forearm; I pull away and grab my soda, after what I learned from Krystina's book I'm not interested anymore.

"I'm fine." I say and walk out fast. I sit by the window and read the last entry Krystina wrote. Just reading it made me want to rip my heart out, I couldn't understand how much it hurt her from living through it, I have read this from cover to cover and I still don't understand why she liked Aiden in the first place. It shouldn't be that hard to stop liking someone, she even said on page 10 that she hates bad mouthing people but she calls them many bad things in her head so she can know to stay away. I give her credit, I would have been as miserable if I lived through just the Brody thing.

"Hey Hayden, can we talk?" I look up and see Josh; I stand up with a little bit of a hassle.

"Sure, what's up Josh?"

"Well to be straight forward, you either need to quit the team or stop visiting the emo fuck up girl." My blood began to boil, no one understands her story, I hated myself for not realizing until now how much if a dick I was.

"She's not a fuck up and I'm not doing either Josh. She's a friend and I care about her." Josh laughed.

"Dude! She's an emo bitch who should really learn how to eat a hamburger." I pushed Josh into the wall; this fucker needs to learn to shut his face.

"The fuck is your problem! You don't know anything you pitiful fuck!" I see Aiden by my side now; I didn't see him come up.

"Fuck you Hayden! Looking to get laid by a freak now?!" Josh yelled I couldn't control the anger anymore; I balled my fists and decked him in the nose with one shot. He was bleeding and I enjoyed seeing him in pain, that isn't even a fraction of what Krystina has gone through, he should feel lucky.

"Hayden what the fuck are you doing?!" I heard Aiden tell at me, I rolled my eyes, grabbed my bag and walked outside. A few seconds later Aiden catches up to me, "Hayden!"

I'm getting pissed now, I turn around and yelled to him, "What Aiden!?"

"Why were you doin that shit to Josh?" He asked calmly. I course he doesn't understand, I turn around and start walking again.

"He deserved it that's why." That's all he deserved to know.

He stood in front of me and made me stop. "How did he deserve it Hayden?"

My eyes were starting to water, because she doesn't deserve to be talked to the way people have. "Because he said that Krystina should have died, she's just causing bad publicity not only for the school but for the team because you and I always go to the hospital to see her."

He seems taken back by something, oh. I only visit the hospital when he isn't there. Oops.

"Why are you making a huge deal out of it? She is a suicidal girl Hayden; she was going to do it anyway." Anger surged throughout again; he of all people should be more understanding! Ashton killed himself and Aubrey almost did about a week ago! I pushed him and he fell on the floor, I couldn't hit him, he's like my brother.

I dig in my bag and get out Krystina's book, he doesn't deserve to know but he should understand why I'm getting pissed over this shit. I threw it at him, harder than I intended, I was still angry. "I finished it, even after reading all that I don't understand why she likes you."

I walk across the street and almost got hit by a car, I don't even care, maybe Aiden would actually get a hint if I died too. I walked along the side walk and closed my eyes, I hope Krystina is ok. She's lived this long, she's a miracle. Let her live. Please.


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