Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Aubrey's POV
Seeing Aiden like that, so heart broken, it was something I never wanted to see again. After telling the receptionist what had happened she followed me up to Krystina's room. Aiden and Hayden had already picked up the papers, Hayden was now trying to put them in order and Aiden was holding Krystina's hand. The receptionist went over to Krystina and looked at her wounded cheek, why were here never any doctors or nurses around here? I sighed and walked over to Hayden.

I hesitantly wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. "What a bitch." I looked up at him to see a frustrated look on his face.

"Hayden there's nothing we could have done about it. What's done is done, we can't take it back." He sighed and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"That's true, but it doesn't mean that bitch can go doing this without people knowing or getting the proper consequences." He turned around to face me and smiled wickedly, "How's about you and I go pull a little prank Princess." I looked at my feet.

"I don't know Hayden. What she did was wrong but what would Aiden say? What would Krystina say?" Hayden lifted my head with his hand under my chin; I felt my cheeks get hot.

"I'm pretty sure Aiden is ok with it right now. And Krystina can't do anything to defend herself; we have a right to do something to Lacey while she doesn't have the chance to defend herself. It's only fair." I cleared my throat and stepped away from him feeling embarrassed.

"Maybe we should, um.... Wait? I don't know..." He laughed at me and pinched my nose as he walked over to Krystina.

"What ever you say, Princess." My heart was racing, I'm so happy I wasn't hooked up to a heart monitor. The receptionist walked passed me and smiled, "Who's that chica?" My face automatically heats up.

"He's my brother's best friend, he's like my brother." She puts her hand on my shoulder and giggles.

"Niña, that look you both give each other is more than that. Tu corazon speaks something different." She smiles, pats my head and walks out of the room. Bitch, I'm well aware of what my heart is saying, you don't have to remind me. It's not gonna happen.

"Bree, you ok?" I look over at Aiden and smile.

"Everything's peachy."

"So now you're Princess Peach?" Hayden says with a smirk.

"Shut up horse head." He laughs and walks into the hallway. I sigh and sit by Aiden. You gotta wake up Krystina, I need your advice.

Aiden's Mom's POV
Work seemed to drag on today. I was so exhausted, everyone thinks office jobs seem easy but really they are boring and mostly event less. I get up from my computer and walk to the wreck room for my lunch, its 4:30 but I haven't eaten since 6 this morning. I was starving. I was walking past my friend Trisha's office when I heard her and someone else talking. It was wrong to eavesdrop but I heard them mention Aubrey's name.

"What's her name, Aubrey right? Nina's daughter?"

"Yeah that's her. You heard what happened right?"

"I heard a little bit, she ran away right?"

"Yeah she did! She ran away and almost killed herself."

"Oh god, poor Nina! She lost Ashton a few years back and she almost lost another one!"

Just hearing Ashton's name made me want to leave and cry.

"Are you kidding? I think it's their plan."


"What? Why would you say that?"

Yeah Trisha why?

"Think about it! Her son killed himself, her husband died, her daughter almost killed herself. It's a plan; she's trying to get rid of them."

I would never even think about that! My children and husband mean the world to me!

"I don't. Think she'd do that Trisha. I mean, she's been alone so long, she works a ton of hours to support her family." Someone scoffed I assume Trisha.

"Please. She's letting her daughter run off with her son's best friend who also happens to be a man slut; I wouldn't trust my daughter around him."

Hayden is as much part of our family as Aiden was, they are inseparable. I trust him.

"True but it doesn't mean they will do anything."

"Whatever you say Abby." Thank you for defending me Abby, "But her son, Aiden, he's always at that hospital with that gross little girl who studies witchcraft."

Krystina?! She doesn't study witchcraft!... At least I don't think she does.

"She doesn't study witchcraft Trisha! She's a cutter with depression. I think she also have eating disorders of some kind." What? Krystina had eating disorders? I knew she had depression and issues with cutting, when I go to visit her I see her scars all over her arms.

"Who cares? Her son is going to ruin his life with that girl. He's already dropped out of college! He and Hayden! Two of the best baseball and hockey players! She's not even conscious and she's already ruining their lives!" Hayden and Aiden dropped out of college? How did I not know this?

"Trisha you need to stop this talk. Maybe they are worried and even depressed as well. Hayden found her almost dead and Aiden has a connection. She saved his sister's life. I don't blame them. I would have done what they were doing." Really Abby? Is it the right thing though?

"Whatever, Abby. Just watch, this girl is going to not only ruin their lives but also make them miserable. She's not waking up. She's dying in that coma. They made it worse by bringing her in. If they let her die out there it would be over with, but now she's suffering in some coma. It's not fair even to that little demon girl."

"Trisha, they saved her. Miracles happen, she wasn't supposed to live past day 1 from what Nina told me. And here she is, one month down." Thank you Abby... So much.

"They only keep them for 4 months here. After that... That little girl is being put down like the bitch she is." I couldn't take it anymore! I barged through the door.

"You know what Trisha? I thought you were my friend. But now all I'm seeing is someone who obviously doesn't know how to keep her thoughts to herself." Trisha walks over to me slowly and smiles.

"You know it's true. One month down, 3 to go. And she's gone. Forever." The smirk she gave me set me off, I punched her in the nose, and she fell to the floor bleeding. "What the fuck Nina!?" I kneel down to her.

"Reality check sweetie, that girl is a miracle. She'll make it, and when she does, I'll be sure to rub it in your face. I wouldn't mind dropping your ego down a few pegs." Abby smiled at me and nodded. I smiled back and walked out if the room.

That girl saved my baby's life. She is a miracle; she was officially in my heart, part of the family. And Lord smite me if I'm going to let another member of this family die. She'll make it; she has people who love and care for her. She also loves Aubrey enough to hang on. And soon she'll love the rest of us like we love her. She can do it. She's a warrior. A fighter. A hero.


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