C h a p t e r T w o

505 19 11

Hey there beautiful! Ready for Chappy 2? I am

I wake up alone, tucked under the sheets of the bed and Scott's scent surrounding me. I am still in his shirt. A grin takes over my face when I realize that it is Christmas. Like a little kid, I jump out of bed and run over to the window to see if there is any snow. I start giggling uncontrollably when I see that the top of the snow is close to the glass pane in front of me. Slowly, I register the peaceful quiet of the house and wonder how my sisters are all still asleep. As if on cue, rapid knocking comes to my door.

"Who's there?" I call with a grin.

"It's me, your sister."

"And your other sister."

"And your other other sister." I decide to mess with them a little.

"What do you want?" They all start giggling, the sound bringing an even wider smile to my face.

"It's Christmas!"

"Santa was here!"

"Lauren already started going through your stocking so you should come out and stop her."

"Also Mommy and Daddy told us to come get you."

"And Scott was looking for you."

"Did I hear my name?" Scott's voice echoes through the hallway, making my heart flutter a little as my sisters burst into a fit of giggles again. I stop listening to the conversation and change into the pajamas I went into my room in, extremely hesitant to take Scott's shirt off. I fold it neatly and tuck it under my pillow so that hopefully no one will find it. The sound of running footsteps indicates that my sisters went back downstairs. "What's taking you so long?" Scott asks. I swing the door open and an involuntary smile stretches across my face when I see him. He tilts my chin up and is about to kiss me when Lauren and Lindsay run by, causing him to snap his hand away from me.

"You fell asleep on me last night."

"I know that. I couldn't help it. You're so comfy." I say, hugging him around the waist. "Did you see the snow outside?"

"Mhm. Come on, people are waiting." He kisses the top of my head before walking down the hall with me right behind him.


It is not long before the sound of tearing paper echoes through the large room. I am seated on the floor between Kara and Rylie with Meghan on my lap. Kara opens a box and I smile when her eyes widen at its contents. She takes out  the pair of ballet shoes and the tutu and instantly runs to go put them on. When she comes back in them, she does something I can't name and then sits back down next to me.

"Don't I look pretty?" she asks, her grin lighting up her face.


"Here." Lauren says, handing me a small box with a tag that says, From: Mom and Dad. Love you bunches. I take the lid off the box and my heart nearly stops.

"These are Sophie tickets."

"Yes. Yes, they are." my dad says, giving me a pat on the back. "Merry Christmas." All words seem to escape me, so I just smile widely and hope that they understand the level of thanks behind it.


After all the gifts are open and the paper thrown away, Scott and I decide to take our sisters out to sled down the hill our house is at the top of.

"Go get changed, girls." my mom says as all five girls get up and sprint out of the room.

"We're gonna go make breakfast." Connie says, earning a small nod from me.

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