C h a p t e r T w e l v e

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Kirstie, Jeremy, and Peyton show up first, and judging by the amount of times the doorbell rings I would have to guess that Peyton is at the door. I suddenly become self conscious about my makeup and hair and hesitate to open the door. Then I swing it open and am faced by the cheery grin of the young boy in front of me.

"Your makeup looks pretty." he says as he tackles my legs and latches on to one while I step onto the front porch.

"Thank you." It is only a few seconds before Kirstie is hugging me tightly, nearly crushing me in her arms. "Good to see you, too, babe." I say, straining to speak. She laughs and pulls away.

"Who did your make up? And your hair?! Holy sh-" She stops and looks down at Peyton, who is giggling. "It looks really good."

"Thank you. Toddy did it."

"I should have known. I love the rainbow." She winks and goes past me.

"Hey, Mitch." Jeremy says, walking up the steps to the porch.

"Hey, Jer." He pulls Peyton off my leg and carries the small boy inside. I follow them and close the door. For the first time, I take a second to look at how Jake decorated the house. There are about a million balloons, each one with 2017 printed on them. The walls are covered in shiny gold and silver paper and every door way has a curtain of crepe paper hanging over them, and the windows are bordered with silver wrapping paper. On the TV, there is a countdown going until the ball drops. I walk into the kitchen where Peyton is squealing, "Uncle Allie!" and see Jake stooped over the stove and various other foods spread out through the kitchen. Alex is picking Peyton up.

"Mitch? Can you do me a favor?" Jake says.


"Go see where Scott is. I need him to reach something that's up higher than you can reach."

"Sure. I'll be right back." I go up the stairs and find Scott in his room, sitting on his bed, scrolling through Twitter. I knock on the doorframe and he looks up.

"Holy shit, you look amazing."

"Thanks." I say quietly, feeling a blush rise to my cheeks. He puts his phone down and walks over to me, staring down into my eyes.

"The rainbow is a nice touch."

"Yeah, I thought so." He kisses me, and when he pulls back, his lips are slightly stained from my lipstick. "Now it's on you, too."

"We have to do something about that." He kisses me neck and I tilt my head to the side to give him more access, wrapping my arms around his back. "There, now you have rainbow lip prints on your neck."

"Really?!" I nearly shout, running over to the mirror and groaning. "Scott..."

"Come on, it's fitting. I like the purple hair, too."

"By the way, Kirst and Jer are here."

"Oh, good. I'll have to go say hi."

"Come on." I start to go back downstairs, but he catches me by the hand and kisses me one more time before I convince him to stop. "You're going to ruin my makeup."

"Fine. Let's go."


Scott and I decide to announce the fact that we are together to everyone so that we don't have to hide it the whole night. Several of our close friends, like Mario and Tyler, congratulate us, and nobody seems bothered by it. I pull Scott into the kitchen, feeling slightly claustrophobic from the crowd gathered in our living room.

"You okay?" he asks, tilting my head up a little.

"Yeah, fine."

"Oh, do you know if William brought his saxophone?"

"I think I saw him bring it in. Do you wanna do a song with him?" I nod eagerly, longing to hear the sound of my friend's instrument fill the house. "Come on."

"Wait." He turns back toward me, worry in his eyes.

"Can you talk to him about it while I stay here? It's kinda crowded, and I just need to...not be there for a second."

"Sure. I'll be back in a minute." I plant a kiss on his cheek, smiling when the faint outline of my lips shows. I don't mention it as he walks back out to the living room. Less than a minute later, he storms into the kitchen, looking furious.

"What's wrong?" He seems to be at a loss for words. "Scott, talk. What's wrong?" He just points to the door. I poke my head through and see Travis being greeted at the front door. His gaze meets mine only for a second before averting itself. I go back over to Scott. Almost possessively, he kisses me. It gets heated quickly. He backs me up against the counter, making my back arch a little, and slips his knee between my thighs. I forget about my makeup and tangle my fingers into his hair as his hands plant themselves on the counter at my sides. He pulls back a little so that our lips are just barely touching, and our foreheads are pressed together.

"I love you." he murmurs.

"I love you, too."


When I feel okay enough to go back into the crowd, we find William and tell him that we want to do a song with him. He gladly agrees, and we do some swing song that I've only sung a couple times. By the time we are done, Kirstie has joined in singing and Jeremy and Peyton are dancing. Mario comes up to me and says, "If you were on the street, I'd give you tips. That was amazing."

"Thanks. You should sing for us." I say, suddenly very excited.

"Oh, I don't think that's a good idea."

"No, it really is. You're better than me."

"I don't think that's true." he says with a blush.

"Please." I whine, clasping my hands together and sticking my lip out in a pout.

"How can I say no to that face?" he says, rolling his eyes.

"Yay, thank you!" I say, jumping up to hug him.



I sit on the couch next to Kirstie with Peyton falling asleep in my lap while Mario sings a song he wrote called Lightheaded. He gave Scott the music and Scott is sight-reading it perfectly, and I don't understand how. I just sit and listen with my eyes closed and at some point during the very soothing song, I fall asleep.


I open my eyes again and see the hallway in front of me. I realize that I am moving toward my bedroom in about a second, and then I realize that Scott is carrying me.


"Hi, baby. You fell asleep downstairs and missed the ball dropping. Everyone's gone."

"Really? Why didn't you wake me up?" He backs against the door to push it open and says, "We tried. You wouldn't budge. Happy 2017." He sets me down gently on my back and says, "Goodnight, baby. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Wait." I say, my voice slurring from only recently waking up.


"Will you stay?" He smiles gently and nods, pushing the door shut and taking off his shirt before climbing into the bed. He pulls back the covers to let my crawl under them and I lay my head on his chest as his arm goes around me. I drape one arm loosely over his waist fall asleep again quickly.


I think this is a fairly fluffy chapter. I'm trying to make up for all the sad stuff I've been writing recently
Thank you to everyone who's still reading this after 12 chapters 💜💜💜

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