C h a p t e r T w e n t y

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This is the last chappy before book 2 (since 2/3 votes were for a series instead of a longer book, I'm doing that)!!! Thanks for bearing with me through the whole thing, and sorry my schedule got off a bit. Love you guys! Thanks for all the positive feedback, it really makes me happy and I love knowing that you guys are enjoying stuff I write. 💚💜💛❤️💙

Four days later

Scott and I decided to just drive the whole way to Michigan, so that we wouldn't have to spend extra money on plane tickets. We are sitting in the car, three hours into the days-long drive, and all I can do is stare out the window. Every so often, I feel Scott's gaze flick toward me briefly, but we both remain silent but for the quiet music playing in the backseat. I hear Wyatt's purring from his carrier and wonder how he can be so calm while I feel so nervous.

"Are you okay?" Scott finally asks, keeping his gaze forward.

"Yeah, why?" I say, turning my head to look at him.

"You're just being really quiet. More than usual."

"I...I'm just thinking. We're restarting our lives in Michigan. I mean, I know it's our house and everything, but I have to get a new job. You have to go to a new school, we're leaving all our friends back in Florida, everything. I'm just thinking about it. I'm fine, though. Really."

"Okay." We return to our silence, and I focus on the steady sound of Wyatt's purrs, letting them distract me from everything else.


At some point we decide not to attempt staying at a hotel because of Wyatt, because most hotels won't let a cat, albeit hairless, in. So we sleep in the car in a hotel parking lot instead. After about an hour of trying to fall asleep in the darkness, which is disturbed only by the street light outside the window, I turn over in my seat and see Scott staring at me.

"Hi, baby." I say, reaching out to cup his cheek. He leans against my hand automatically and I brush my thumb along his cheekbone.

"Hi. Can't sleep either?"


"Do you wanna try to fit in this seat with me?" I don't hesitate to climb over the console and push myself up against Scott in the reclined seat. I curl up so that my legs are not hanging off and lay my head on his chest. His arms go around me and I inhale deeply, taking in his scent. I can still hear Wyatt purring.

"How is our kitty so happy all the time?" Scott chuckles a little, now rubbing one hand up and down my back in a way that he knows puts me to sleep.

"I don't know. He's oblivious."

"To what?" I close my eyes.

"Everything. He doesn't know that we're picking up our lives and relocating because someone set our house on fire. He doesn't know that. He doesn't know anything." As if he can understand, the cat lets out a somewhat screechy meow.

"It sounds like he does." My voice is getting quieter each time I speak, and I'm finding it harder to make my lips move as exhaustion begins to settle over me.

"Goodnight, Mitchie." He presses a soft kiss to the top of my head.

"Goodnight." I mumble, drifting asleep soon after.


I wake up to sunlight streaming in from all sides and have to squint to see. The even pattern of Scott's breath tells me that he is still asleep, and for the first time since we left yesterday, Wyatt is completely silent. My hand wanders over to where my phone sits and I look at the time, sitting up quickly when I see that it is already 10:00.

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