C h a p t e r E i g h t e e n

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Scott and I decide to take up Kirstie and Jeremy on their offer and we head over to their house, at least just for the night. Laying in the guest bed, we are silent. We aren't even touching.


"Hmm?" He sounds distant.

"How did this happen?"

"I don't know."

"We'll get through it." I turn on my side to face him and let my fingers trail over his shoulder. "We always do."

"I feel bad, staying here."

"Why? Kirstie's your best friend. You know she would do anything for either of us, and we're the same way." Our conversation is cut short by a shriek from the room over. Peyton's room. I bolt out of the bed and sprint over to where Kirstie is already flipping the light on. I hear Jeremy's footsteps coming down the hall. He bursts in right behind me, and we both watch as Kirstie sits on the bed next to Peyton, who is now crying. She is whispering to him, holding him to her chest and stroking his hair.

"What's wrong, baby?" Jeremy asks softly, going over to them and sitting next to Kirstie. Peyton just takes a shaky breath. I retreat back to the guest room, feeling like I am intruding, and find Scott in the same position he was in when I left.

"Is everything okay?"

"I think he just had a nightmare." I crawl back into the bed.

"What are you doing way over there?" he whines, making grabby hands at me. An involuntary smiles makes its way to my face and I roll closer to him until my head is on his chest. He kisses the top of my head and I wrap my arms around his waist for a few seconds before he pulls me up to kiss him properly. I close my eyes and relax against him, not wanting to ever break physical contact with him. Soon I am straddling him, basically sitting on his stomach, and my hands are on his chest. "I love you." I sigh and reach up to trail one hand along his jaw. He leans into my palm.

"I love you, too."


Literally the shortest chapter I've ever written, and it's fairly pointless, but I've already missed one update and I don't want to miss another one. I need requests for the plot of this story. I'm completely running out of ideas. PLEASE GIVE ME REQUESTS but only if you want.

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