C h a p t e r T h i r t e e n

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I wake up when the bed shifts, and open my eyes just in time to see Scott roll over quickly. His face is tight and he appears to be in pain as he continues writhing. Unsure of what to do, I just watch as he gets stuck in the sheets and continues trying to move around. After a few seconds, he rolls onto me and grabs my wrist tightly. His eyes are still pressed shut, but he pulls me up by my wrist and begins to kiss my neck roughly.

"Scott." I say, trying to wake him up. His hands roam under my shirt and start to pull it up. "Scott!" I shout quietly, shoving him away. His eyes pop open and he finds himself sitting at the opposite end of the bed from me. I have one arm wrapped tightly around myself and my other hand is holding my neck where he left his mark.

"Mitch, are you okay? What's wrong? How did I get down here?"

"Nothing happened, it's fine. Just...go back to sleep, okay?" He crawls toward me.

"What happened? Did I hurt you?" He sounds suddenly worried and glances are my throbbing wrist, which has a red ring around it from his tight grip.

"I'm fine." Worry shines in his eyes, but he seems to understand that I am not giving a different answer and nods, crawling back under the sheets. I scoot toward him and lay my head on his chest again. "Goodnight, baby."

"Goodnight." He strokes my hair gently and I smile against his chest.


The sound of blinds being thrown open registers just before the blinding light hits my still-shut eyes. I barely crack my eyes open before Todrick jumps on the bed and starts bouncing between me and Scott. I suddenly realize that he sees us together, each half naked, and my eyes widen. Scott is still asleep, despite Todrick nearly jumping on him.

"Morning, sunshine." he says, kicking me lightly. "Get up. We're going down to the beach."

"Why?" I groan, covering my face with a pillow and rolling over. "It's 60º outside."

"We're skinny dipping." He catches my attention and I sit up, stretching a couple times.

"Fine. Help me wake Scott up. He's a rock."

"Scott!" Todrick screams loudly, making me jump. Scott sits straight up, hair sticking in several directions and eyes glazed with sleep still.

"Aren't you two cute." Jake says, skipping into the room with Alex right behind him.

"Why is the whole fucking house gathering in my bedroom?" I say, laughing.

"We're not all here." A few seconds later, Travis walks in on crutches and I see Scott tense. I reach over to grab his hand and hold it tightly, despite Todrick still standing between us. "Okay, now we are." Travis's gaze falls on me and travels slowly over my uncovered chest. Scott narrows his eyes at him as I pull the sheet up to my armpits. Scott is seething and looks like he is ready to jump out of the bed and kick Travis's ass. I tug on his hand a little to make him
look at me, and when he does, the anger in his eyes dies down a bit. He takes a deep breath and says, "Guys, we'll be out soon. Can you give us a minute?" The other four nod and leave the room, Todrick closing the door behind him. Outside the door, I hear Alex and Travis arguing quietly, their voices getting quieter as they move down the hall. I stand up and stretch, back cracking a couple times. Scott gets up and comes over to me before kissing the top of my head and hugging me against his chest.

"When do you go back to school?" I ask suddenly.

"Uh, Monday. So in three days."

"I'm gonna miss spending all day every day with you."

"I think it'll be worse for me." I knit my eyebrows in confusion. "Well, I'm the one that gets to see you. I'm the one that gets to kiss you and hug you and tell you I love you. You don't get to do those things."

"Not to myself, but I have the amazing privilege of seeing you, and kissing you and telling you I love you."

"You guys are sweet." Todrick calls through the door, sending Scott and I both into a fit of laughter.

"Are you eavesdropping, Toddy?" Scott asks.

"Of course I am. By the way, I think we just decided we're going skinny dipping tonight, once it's dark. But still hurry up because we're all going out today. All significant others are invited, so Kevin and Jess will be there, too."

"Okay, we'll be out soon." I grab my clothes from a drawer and take them into the bathroom to change, shutting the door before Scott can follow me. I grin when he whines.

"Can't I come?" I smirk and slip out of my boxers to change.

"Do you want me to open the door?"

"Yes, please." I do, and his cheeks redden immediately as he focuses on keeping his gaze above my waist.

"There, I did, now I'm going to change." I close the door again, chuckling to myself at the effect that I have on him.


Once Scott and I are fully dressed, we go down to the living room where the rest of the household is already waiting. I see Kevin, Todrick's boyfriend, standing behind the couch and leaning over Todrick's shoulder to read something on his lap. Jess, Alex's girlfriend, and sitting next to him and they are talking quietly. I notice the same thing I always notice when they are together: she looks far happier than he does. But when I ask him about it, he claims to be head over heels for her. I don't believe him.

"Alright, crew." Jake says, standing from his spot on the coffee table. "Let's pack up and go." We all follow him out and divide into three cars. Scott and I squeeze into the backseat of Jake's car with Travis, and despite my offer to sit between Scott and Travis, to break the tension, Scott says that he does not want me next to him, so I am shoved against the window while Scott sits in the middle. Despite the nonexistant space between us, he still has hand on my thigh and his head on my shoulder. Every time I look at him, his eyes are closed, but he doesn't look mad. My face lights up when we reach our destination and Jake says, "Alright, guys, come on."


UM MY CONERT IS TOMORROW AND I'M MORE EXCITED FOR THAN I HAVE EVER BEEN FOR ANYTHING IN MY LIFE AND THAT INCLUDES THE LAST CONCERT I WENT TO. Also, less exciting but still pretty exciting, my one shots book hit 900+ views yesterday, so if anyone who has read those is reading this, too, THANK YOU SO SO MUCH. Love you 💚💛💜❤️💙

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