C h a p t e r T e n

304 17 8

Whoop  whoop double!

I wake up abruptly, coughing. I am on my back in the kitchen, with Alex, Todrick, and Jake standing next to each other at the edge of the room. I feel a pressure on my chest and notice Scott leaning over me, hands pressed over my chest and panic in his eyes.

"My God, Mitch. I thought you died." he says, his voice hoarse. I take a deep breath start coughing again, rolling over to do so.

"You should have let me." I say quietly, remembering what happened. I passed out under the covers of my bed, trying to suffocate myself. My head hurts and my body feels too heavy. Even the thought of moving sounds exhausting. I glance up at Jake, Alex, and Todrick. Alex has his head back and his eyes closed, and both Jake and Todrick are watching me teary eyed.

"Guys." Scott nods toward the door and the three leave us alone. "What were you trying to do?"

"Exactly what I would have done if you hadn't found me." I try to sit up, but immediately get lightheaded and collapse against the tile. Scott removes his hands from my chest and helps me sit, supporting me by my shoulders.


"Why do you think?" I take another deep breath, wishing that it didn't feel so good to have the air freely rushing through my lungs. Then he does something surprising; he leans forward and kisses me. "I'm sorry." I say, pulling back.

"I know. I need you to know something. No matter what happens between us, I will always love you. I'm willing to try again if you are."

"Of course I am." I say, leaning against him and closing my eyes. "I love you."

"I love you, too." he says. Hearing him say those words, the words I thought I would never hear from him again, makes me start crying again. He brushes the fallen tears away and lets me sit on his lap in a calm, peaceful silence.


We come out of the kitchen and see three of our four roommates sitting on the couch in silence. I still feel lightheaded and unwilling to move, so Scott has his arm around my waist for support.

"I'm going to bed." I announce, turning to walk up the stairs. Scott stops me and silently questions me. I move his arm from around my waist and go without offering any answers.


I lay in bed for several hours, unable to fall asleep. Below me, the talk of my housemates has died down and it sounds like they all went to bed. I take out my phone and text Scott. I hear him quietly come out of his bedroom and across the hall, barely making a sound as he comes into my room.

"Why aren't you asleep?" he asks, sitting next to me on the bed and allowing me cuddle into his side, also something I thought would never happen again.

"Not sure, I just couldn't sleep."

"Maybe I can help." He slides down onto his back and I put my head on his chest. The steady sound of his heart beating in his chest lulls me to sleep.


I wake up alone and immediately wonder if last night was a dream. Then the door pushes open and Scott walks in, a towel draped around his waist and water shining in his hair. I let my eyes drift over his shoulders and chest.

"I thought you were gone." I say, my heart threatening to beat out of my chest.

"I'm not leaving you again unless you want me to."

"That's never gonna happen. I promise." I drag myself out of the bed and over to where he is standing. He comes in and closes the door. I run my fingers through his wet hair and he kisses my neck.

"You smell like our vacation house still." he mumbles against my skin.

"I'm still in my clothes from there."

"You should take a shower or something."

"Do I smell that bad?" I say, feigning offense.

"No, no, it would just give me a reason to join you." A blush settles over my cheeks but I smile through it.

"Didn't you just take a shower?"

"Yeah, but that's okay. You're worth it."

"Come on, then." We walk down the hall and see the bathroom door closed and the light on. Scott knocks on the door.

"What?" Todrick's voice drifts out.

"Will you be out soon?"

"No. Use the bathroom upstairs. I don't think anyone's in there." We go up the stairs to the other bathroom and thankfully find it open.

"Ready, babe?" Scott asks, putting his hand on my back as I lead us into the bathroom.

"Of course."


I register the feeling of the water being the only thing between us. Scott is holding me, and my legs are wrapped tightly around his waist. He is backed up against the wall and I am kissing his neck vigorously. Every time I stop, he moans and tightens his arms around me. After a few minutes, my hair gets flattened over my face from the water. I push it out of the way and then trail one hand down his spine. He shivers a little and his plants a gentle kiss at the back of my jaw. For a few seconds, he just holds his lips there. I weave my fingers into his soaked hair and tilt his head up so I can kiss him properly. As he often does, he gently bites my bottom lip, making me smile. I unwrap my legs from around him and drop to my feet.

"Scott?" I say quietly, focusing my gaze on some spot behind him.


"Why are you giving me another chance?" He makes me look at him.

"Because a world where we are not together is broken and wrong, and I couldn't stay that way. I love you too much for my own good. But you know what?"


"You're worth every bit of it." I smile and kiss him again.

"I love you so, so much."

The Things I Love About You (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now