C h a p t e r T h r e e

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Scott and I lay in my bed in the most comfortable of silences. I am laying on top of him with my head near his chin and our legs are tangled together. He is stroking my hair in a way that makes me feel as though I've never been worried about anything before in my life. I have one hand wrapped in the hem of his shirt and the other under his shirt, resting on his stomach. The warmth of his skin is keeping me from being cold as well as the sheet and comforter over us. Since we called Kirstie, she has been blowing up both of our phones, but neither of us has responded. His hand that is not in my hair is rubbing up and down my bare back. I discarded my shirt a few minutes ago, seeing it only as a barrier between me and my love. His touch, even now, after we have been together for over a year, still raises goosebumps on my skin.



"You're still awake?"

"Yeah." I take my hand out of the hem of the shirt and set it on his face. I shift forward a little to kiss him and smile against his lips only to feel him do the same. And then we just lay like that, smiling at each other, staring into each other's eyes even though the color is muffled by darkness.

"I love you so much." I say, brushing my thumb across his face.



"Not to ruin the moment or anything, but I can't breathe." I laugh and roll onto the mattress next to him, letting him wrap his arms around me.

"Don't fall asleep." I remind him, hating that it's something I have to tell him.

"I know, I know." His hand comes to rest on my tailbone and his thumb pushes lightly at my waistband. A small smirk comes to my face.

"Whatcha doing?"


"If you want them off, all you have to do is ask." I say with a small giggle.

"Oh, sorry." He stops moving. "I didn't even realize I was doing that."

"You can continue, if you want." I pause for second, contemplating what I am about to say. "Baby?"


"Can we?" A blush settles on my cheeks as he rubs his hand up my back and then down to my tailbone again.

"Are you ready?"



When Scott and I untangle ourselves from the sheets, I let him take me into the shower.

"We'll take care of the sheets in a few minutes, okay?"

"Okay." I mumble, barely able to speak. My brain is on overload after what just happened. The hot water eases the aching in my muscles, but I still have to hold onto Scott to steady myself. I let my eyes wander no farther down than his hips as the water pours over us.

"How are you feeling? Okay?"

"Y-yeah." For less than half a second, I let go of his bicep, and my legs nearly collapse under my full weight. He catches me around the waist.

"Okay. It'll get easier." He kisses me as he rubs a washcloth over my chest, the hot water making his lips even softer. "I have to get back to my room soon."

"I don't want you to."

"I know. I don't want to either, believe me. If I could have my way, we would spend every second of every day together."

"Only in a perfect world." I say with a defeated sigh. "This world is anything but perfect."


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