C h a p t e r F o u r

389 18 16


We spend the first part of the day driving around, trailing behind the minivans. Scott keeps worrying and asking me questions.

"Did I hurt you last night?"


"Did I go too fast?"


"Are you sure?"


"Are you okay?"

"Perfectly fine."


"A little."

"Sorry you couldn't really walk after."

"Scott, stop worrying. Everything that happened last night was with my consent, okay? Last night was easily the best night of my life. I'm happy we went all the way, and I'm happy that my first time was with you." I glance over and see him smiling widely, seemingly out of relief. "Why were you so worried?"

"Because I worry about everything. You know that. Especially when it comes to you, because you're so..."

"I'm so what?"

"Perfect. And I'm not. I'm lucky that I even managed to get you as my best friend, let alone my boyfriend. I'm always scared that I'm going to screw up and accidentally force you into something that you'll regret." I sigh deeply.

"Listen to me. I do not regret anything I've ever done with you, okay? Especially losing my virginity to you. I promise." He holds his hand out to me a little and I take it in both of mine, pulling them to my lips and holding them there for a second as a sign of reassurance.

"I love you." he finally says.

"I love you, too."


We finally stop at a museum that has an exhibit made entirely of Legos, specially made for Christmastime. I have to walk with my hands in my pockets to keep from clinging to Scott. The room is a little too crowded for my liking and all the people are making me nervous, and I think Scott notices because he nudges me a little and says, "Are you okay?"

"Great." I wipe my suddenly sweaty palms on my pants as we walk into an even more crowded room, my sisters running ahead of us while Lauren and Lindsay link arms and stay near a Polar Express display. If our four parents didn't stick with us no matter what, I would have been completely attached to him, but I manage to keep my distance, albeit small. We pass a group of people who start laughing as we walk by. I try to convince myself that it has nothing to do with me, because none of them are even looking in my direction, but I can't stop my vision from getting spotty and my knees from getting weak.

"Scott." I say as loudly as I can manage to get his attention. He turns around and sees me with one hand pressed over my face and the other clinging to whatever stable object is next to me.

"Okay, come on. Mom," he turns toward his mom, "Uh, we're gonna go outside for a bit. It's kinda crowded and..." he trails off.

"Oh, Mitch, I'm sorry. I totally forgot." she says, referring to the severe anxiety I've had my whole life. My heart is pounding in my ears as I focus on how many people are surrounding me.

"Scott." I manage again, with a little more urgency. I latch onto Scott's arm and he helps me find my way blindly through the building. As soon as we are outside, I take a deep breath and drop into a crouch, trying to steady my breath and slow my heart rate. I don't dare to open my eyes for fear of the dark black spots that occupied my vision minutes ago.

"You okay?" I crack my eyes open and see the concrete in front of me, and realize we are in the open air, away from everyone.

"Sure." I say, voice shaky as I rise to my full height and step into Scott's embrace.

"I didn't know it would be that crowded." We are silent for a few beats. "You know, we could use this as an excuse to go home and have the whole house to ourselves."

"Yes, please." I say immediately. He pulls out his phone and texts Connie, telling her that we're going home but they can, and should, stay.


Despite the whole house being empty but for me and Scott, we lay curled together on my bed with the shades drawn to block out light and the overhead light off. The TV is on, playing Elf. I feel his lips on the back of my neck and smile a little, rubbing my thumb along his hand. He turns me toward him and kisses me gently, and it is the softest kiss we have ever shared, like it will be our last. At that moment, I wonder if it will be, because the door slams open and I see my mom standing in the doorway, mouth agape, staring at us in horror.

"Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi, what the hell are you doing?!" I automatically wrap my arms around Scott while he looks over his shoulder at my mom, keeping his expression blank. "Are either of you going to answer me?" She flips the light on, causing me to squint after having been in the almost completely darkness.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I say quietly, daring to meet her gaze again.

"It looks like you're making me ashamed to be your mother." I cower under her gaze. "Get out of that bed." Her voice is cold and emotionless, and I do as she says.

"Mitch-" Scott starts, but I silence him with a shake of my head and he shuts his mouth.

"What happened to you'll always love me, no matter what?"

"How could you be...gay?"

"Because I am, mom." She doesn't exactly sound mad, just disappointed. "It's just something that happened."

"And why Scott?" She glances over my shoulder to him.

"Because we fell in love." My mom sighs and walks out, leaving me teary eyed and unsure of myself.


Sorry it's kinda short

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