C h a p t e r F o u r t e e n

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After spending the whole day at a shopping center, we head to our favorite stretch of the beach. The sky is pitch black but for the stars, and this time, Travis is not in the same car as us. Todrick and Kevin are in the front seat, talking quietly about something or other, but I am too distracted by Scott to know what it is. He is kissing me nonstop, and I'm not complaining. I feel a shiver of excitement when his tongue runs across my bottom lip and gladly grant him access to my mouth. Despite the seat belts in our way, he still manages to get me closer than ever, to the point where my legs are draped over his bent knees and his hands are practically stuck to my hips.

"I can't wait to see you in the water." he murmurs in my ear, voice low.

"Wow, even I'm turned on." Todrick jokes from the front.

"Shut up." I say in response. Kevin just sits, chuckling to himself.


I strip first and wade into the rolling waves, nearly gasping when the water hits above my waist.

"Come on, guys." I call, keeping my eyes on Scott. Todrick joins me next, soon followed by everyone else. I notice that Jess is gone, and Alex is sitting far away from the water. "Where's Jess?" I ask Todrick quietly, despite the fact that my breath hitched a little when Scott began to strip. I don't hear his response as the starlight reflects off of Scott's skin and in his eyes as he comes toward us. "What?"

"I said something happened between them and she left. Kevin said he's gonna sit with Alex and make sure he's okay." A few seconds later, Scott is in front of me, and my breath is gone when I am met with the beautifully crafted string of limbs and muscle in front of me. My hands curl around his arms as he moves closer to me, kissing me gently. His hands settle on my lower back.

"The water feels good, huh?" Scott says, rolling his hips against mine in a way that makes me moan and bury my face in the crook of his neck.

"Yeah, great." He chuckles when my voice is shaky. "I think it might just be you, though."

"You think so?" His hand moves around my back to my waist and then lower, causing me to elicit a short string of moans and gasps.

"Yeah, I-I think so." He moves his hand back to my waist and slips his knee between my thigh, pushing up slightly. My eyes widen and his neck muffles the sounds freely rolling out of my mouth as he continues.

"Guys, you good over there?" Todrick calls, laughing. I don't have the will to respond, so Scott gives a thumbs up without stopping.

"Scott..." I whine when he moves his leg from between mine.

"Sorry, baby." I wrap my arms around his back. "Later, okay? I promise."

"Okay." I murmur, giving in to his promises.


Once we are back in the car, it is nearly midnight. Todrick drops Kevin off at his house, and then Scott and I are alone in the car with him. We sit in an awkward silence for the whole ride, and all I can notice is the incredible amount of space between me and Scott. We are both next to windows, and it is the farthest I have been from him all day. He keeps his eyes focused outside his window, and I suddenly start to wonder if I did something wrong. I reach for his hand, but he pulls it away, and my heart sinks. He still doesn't look at me. I pull a little on the hem of his shirt, since his hand is now out of reach and I do not want to speak in the extremely tense silence. I even graze the skin beneath his shirt with my thumb, but he still doesn't look at me. I try to read his expression in the reflection of the window, but I can't see his face. I go through the whole day in my head, wondering what I could have done to make him like this. When the car stops, he is out and going into the house before I even unbuckle my seat belt. For a second I just sit there, hand poised over the buckle, and watch him go in.

"What was that about?" Todrick asks as Scott disappears into the house.

"I don't know. I'll find out." I finish undoing my seat belt and run into the house after Scott. "Scott?" I go up the stairs and find his bedroom door closed. I knock once and wait for a response. "Scotty, are you in there?" After a few more seconds of silence, the door opens and I see Scot standing in the doorway in only his boxers.

"Yeah, I'm here." A grin is plastered on his face. I look behind him and see lit candles scattered around the room and a vase of roses sitting on his dresser.

"What's that for?" He pulls me in by my hips and closes the door.

"I made a promise, didn't I?"

"Oh, yeah. I guess you did." I can't help but smile.

"I'm planning on keeping that promise, no matter how far you want to go with it."

"I want to go all the way." I say, cupping his cheek with my hand.

"Are you sure?" The doubt and worry in his voice makes my heart sink.

"Of course. I love you, Scott." He smiles and leans our foreheads together before scooping me up and carrying me over to the bed.


Sorry this chappy is so short,  I had so much homework yesterday and no time on Saturday to write. Love you💚💛💜❤️💙

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