C h a p t e r S i x

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I follow my mom to her bedroom and she closes the door.

"What do you want?" I say, crossing my arms over my chest defensively.

"I want to apologize. The way I reacted was entirely out of hand."

"No kidding." I mutter. She ignores me and continues.

"I'm very sorry. I was just really surprised, and I was raised to know that being gay is wrong, but I'm sure it's not a choice and you can't help who you are. You should always embrace yourself no matter what, and I shouldn't have said that I was ashamed to be your mother. I could never be. You're my son and I love you no matter what."


"All I get is 'okay'?"

"What do you expect, mom? You practically disowned me because you saw me kissing Scott." She flinches a little. "Saying sorry isn't going to be enough this time. You have to prove that you're actually okay with me being gay, because until you've proven it with something other than 'sorry', we're not on good terms. Got it?" She looks a little hurt, but at the moment I don't really care, and she nods anyway. "Okay. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go see if my boyfriend wants to watch a movie with me." I walk out of the room and go back to the living room.

"Everything okay?" Scott asks. Instead of responding, I pull him up by the hand and to my bedroom. Once we are alone and the door is closed, I slam my lips against his. He stumbles backward against the door and I don't move away. I keep kissing him until he picks me up to let me wrap my legs around his waist. I kiss his neck gently, but enough to get a few moans out of him. Eventually, I just rest my chin on his shoulder and let him hold me.

"Can we watch a movie?" I ask quietly, suddenly feeling tired and worn out.

"Of course." Halfway through The Grinch, live action version, I say, "Remind me when we're going home?"

"Uh, two more days." I groan and burrow closer to him. We are sitting on top of the made bed against the head board with me at his side.

"I don't know if that's too long or not long enough."

"I know what you mean. At least with our families we don't have to hide us anymore. Once we got back to the house, we will."

"Why did we agree to have four roommates?" I ask with a roll of my eyes as I think back to our house of six.

"Because they're our friends?" he says uncertainly. I lean up and kiss his cheek, giggling a little when his scruff tickles my lips. "What was that for?"

"Just to remind you that I love you." He pulls his arm tighter around me and we are quiet for the rest of the movie.


My parents decide for some reason that it would be a good idea to go see a movie at the theater, because apparently we've been spending too much time at the house. On my dad's recommendation, Scott sits at one end of our group and I sit at the other. I lean back a little and look past the nine people between us. I see his eyes focused on me, too, and give him a small smile.

"I'm sorry, Mitch. It's just...I don't want your mom to-"

"You know what, Dad? I don't really care that much right now. We're at a movie. I'm gonna go sit with my boyfriend." I stand up and walk past our group to sit on Scott's other side. I lace my fingers with his and put my head on his shoulder.

"Mitchie?" I hear from next to Scott. I turn my head and lean forward a little to see Rylie. She looks confused.


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