C h a p t e r N i n e t e e n

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I wake up and Scott is not next to me. I immediately get up and venture out of the room to look for him. I hear his voice overlapping with Peyton's as I approach the kitchen and smile when I turn the corner and see them both trying to talk to Kirstie, who is laughing so hard she is in tears. Jeremy is standing over the stove cooking what smells like bacon. Kirstie looks at me and tries to wave, but only ends up laughing harder and putting her head down on the table.

"Hey, guys." Peyton and Scott both stop talking and look over at me. Scott jumps out of his chair and walks over to me, picking me up around the waist and hanging me over his shoulder. I break out laughing and let my head fall against his back.

"Told you." he says.

"Whatever." Kirstie says back.

"What's going on? I'm getting a head rush." He sets me back on my feet and kisses me. My hands go up to his cheeks and his go to my back.

"We were betting on whether I could pick you up or not. For some reason they didn't believe me."

"Are you kidding? He carries me all the time." I say, sitting down next to Kirstie. She pulls me sideways into a hug.

"How are you feeling today?"

"Pretty decent."

"Mitchy, I came up with someplace for us to live, besides here." Scott says, grabbing my hand from across the table.


"Our vacation house?" I can practically feel my eyes light up.

"Could we actually do that?"

"I mean, why not? It's owned by our families. The only problem is that it's, like, seventeen hours away from here." My heart sinks a little. "But there's always FaceTime and stuff. We can still talk to people. It just wouldn't be in person."

"What about you going to school? And my job?" My mind starts to flood with a thousand problems.

"I can get everything transferred to a new school. You're an amazing singer and I'm sure that anyone who would hire you here would hire you in Michigan." He starts to rub circles on my hand with his thumb, and it calms my nerves a little.

"I think it could work out." He grins. "Shouldn't we maybe talk to our parents about it, though, since they're the ones who own it?"

"I already covered it. I called your parents this morning and they talked to mine. They said it's good on their end."

"Wow." I say, running my hand over my head. "This could happen. We could move to Michigan." The idea makes my stomach twist with excited nerves, but also anxious ones. "What about Toddy? And Jake and Alex and Travis? Or Mario? How can we just leave all of them?"

"I think at the moment it's our best option." I take a deep breath and nod.

"I think you're right."

"Really?" I nod again.

"When are we going?"

"Um, as soon as possible, I think. Everything we need is already there. It's perfectly inhabitable."

"We could leave tomorrow? I can get plane tickets tonight or we can drive."

"Do you want to leave so soon?" he asks, still rubbing his thumb against my hand in a way that makes it hard to stay focused.

"Just...whenever you want. I'll let you decide."

"I feel like we should maybe wait a few days, just to get some plans together and stuff. But then we can go." I nod and lean across the table to kiss him. He meets me halfway and I smile against his lips.


I swear I will start writing longer chapters again soon and I'll be back on my regular schedule of updating in the morning. And they'll be less awkward. I know it's more than 12 hours later than I usually update, but I wanted to today so this is what you get. Remember to have a beautiful day/night 💚💛💜❤️💙

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