C h a p t e r E l e v e n

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Triple today? Sorry not sorry

Scott and I realize that it is New Year's Eve after we get out of the shower. Like usual on new Year's Eve, my roommates and I gather to watch the Wizard of Oz in the living room with the fireplace lit even though it's not cold outside. After the movie ends, Alex and Todrick start to decorate the house for our traditional New Year's party. I am told that there will be about thirty people coming tonight. I run upstairs to pick out my outfit for tonight and Scott follows.

"Help me." I whine. "I don't know what to wear."

"You look gorgeous in anything." He says, propping one foot on my desk chair so his leg is at a perfect ninety degree angle. I smirk and sit on his bent knee. "Whatcha doing?" I lean forward a little, grinding against his leg in a way that makes his cheeks turn red and his breath sharpen. Then I stand up and walk back over to my open closet, swaying my hips as I walk away. He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist loosely.

"I need something sparkly for tonight."

"Mitchy, can I do your makeup tonight?" Todrick calls from the bathroom down the hall. I grin.



I sit in Todrick's room with one eye closed as starts my makeup.

"Who's coming tonight?" I ask, looking around the room at all of his pictures and decorations.

"All of our families except yours and Scott's, so that's twelve people right there, Kevy, Kirst, Jeremy, and Peyton, Jess, Katherine and Will, Jen and Mike, and I don't remember who else. You'd have to ask Jake. He's coordinating the whole thing." He pauses for a second, digging through the makeup bag at his side before taking out a small bottle. "Close your eyes and hold your breath." I do and he sprays something onto my face.

"Can I tell you something? You might have picked up on this already."

"Sure. Tell away."

"Scott and I are together." He halts.

"Wait, as in together together? Like Kevy and I?"


"I didn't know you were gay. Yes, one of my own kind!" he exclaims, making us both break out in laughter. "Ooh, I have an idea for your makeup. Is anyone coming tonight that you don't care about knowing?"

"What, that I'm gay?" He nods, looking through his bag and pulling out a rainbow colored palette. I think through the list of names he mentioned and shake my head.

"I guess now's as good a time as any to come out." He grins.

"You're much more open about it than I was." I raise one eyebrow.

"Really? Scott and I have been together for over a year. I wouldn't call that open if none of you guys even knew. You live with us."

"A year?!"


"I must say, I'm impressed. Alex figure out me and Kevin pretty quickly. I guess we didn't hide it well."

"You didn't. I knew too. I just didn't say anything."

"Ugh, did everyone in the house know?"

"Yeah." He shakes his head.

"Stop smiling, you're going to mess this up." He starts brushing something over my face, and then just on my cheeks. "Are you okay with having sparkly cheeks?"

"Stop asking questions and do whatever you want to do."

"Whatever you say, boss man."


I walk around Todrick's room while he is downstairs in mine picking out an outfit for me. My makeup is done, but he made me swear not to look until I am dressed and my hair is done, too. I stop in front of a board filled with overlapping pictures and look at them. In the corner is one of me and Scott and him at our first prom. We all went together because none of us wanted to ask girls. Now we know why. I see another of him and Kevin on either side of Kirstie at her wedding. Jeremy is behind her. My favorite picture on the board, though, is one of me and him with our arms around each other outside a theater with The Wizard of Oz Live in big lights on it. We are both dripping wet from the pouring rain and we both have open mouthed smile from laughing so hard. It is a little blurry because Alex, who took it, was laughing with us and couldn't hold the camera still. I have the same picture tucked into my mirror in my bedroom.

"I just finished printing out those pictures." Todrick says from behind me. I jump. "Here, put this on. It'll be perfect." I take the clothes he has outstretched and take them into the bathroom to change. I make sure not to look in the mirror as I pass. I spread out the enormous pile of clothes he gave me and look at each piece: a pair of skintight charcoal colored skinny jeans with rips in the knees, a loose white shirt with one shoulder cut out, a rainbow flannel with a note on it that says tie around your waist, a charcoal choker with an engraved heart charm on it, and my favorite three inch black platforms that put me close to Scott's eye level. It takes about ten minutes, but I change and go back to Toddy's room. He is waiting with a can of purple temporary hair color.

"Is this good?" I ask, holding out my arms for him to see the outfit as a whole. He now has to look up to see into my eyes.

"Perfect. Hold your breath." He drapes a smock over my clothes and covers my eyes as he goes to work on my hair. When the can runs out, he steps back and pulls the cover off. "If I didn't have a boyfriend, I'd tell you you were hot." he says, with an approving nod. "Oh, one more thing." He runs over to his closet and tosses me a beanie. "Put that on." I do, and then he comes over and adjusts it.

"Can I look yet?"

"No. You're not done yet."

"What else is there?"

"We still have to do your nails, dumbass. I'll be right back. Don't look!"

"I'm not going to. I don't want you to kill me." He comes back a minute later with a bottle of black nail polish and does my nails. He hands me three rings and I put them on.

"There, now you're done. Go look." I walk up to a mirror and stare in awe at my reflection. My eyelids are covered in colors of the rainbow, and so are my lips. My cheeks are accented with glitter and a faint pink. He was right about my outfit, it does go perfectly. The thing I like the most is my hair. From under the edge of the beanie, my natural color is slightly visible, fading into the dark purple.

"Toddy, thank you so much."

"Thank you for letting me. You're going to blow Scott away, that's for sure."

"Let's find out."

"Alright, now go away so I can get ready." I leave the room, enjoying my added height from my shoes. I run into Jake in the hall.

"Holy shit, Mitch."


"You look hot."

"Thank you." I say, hoping that my blush is hidden by the makeup. "Where's Scott?"

"Not sure." Jake's eyes drift down to my showing collarbone and shoulder. I go past him to find Scott.

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