Rising Worry

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Snow was falling on the ground of Snowdin with a large crunch as Undyne walked down the path that led from Waterfall to Snowdin. She was expecting Sans and Papyrus to be home, and was hoping she could stay with them while her house was rebuilt- again.

Approaching the large house, she knocked on the door.

"Yeah?" A deep voice came from behind the door- Sans.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

"Sure, Undyne." Undyne opened the door and saw Sans, just sitting on the couch, doing nothing. Sup?

"Can I stay here for awhile? My house burned down again." She asked, sitting down next to her friend.

"Sure." Sans responded, and Undyne rolled her eyes.

"Do you have to answer everything in such a short, lazy way?" Undyne asked, annoyed.

"Why not? It's much easier."

Undyne found no reason to argue back, and went on to her next point. "Did Papyrus come back here?" She asked. "He was over at my house for a little bit and I'm not sure where he went."

Sans looked up at this. "No, he hasn't come back here recently. Is something up?"

"No. I'm just worried about my friend. He's almost always here." Undyne sighed.

"Come on, you know Papyrus. He'll be back soon enough." Sans said, trying to relax the fact that his brother was missing.

"Yeah.. I just don't want anything to happen." Undyne had a deep feeling in her gut that something was wrong, and she couldn't do anything about it.

Oops! I was a little late! Sorry about that! We had a major power outage where I lived for almost an hour and a half. Next part tonight!

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