Alternate Ending Part 1

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"Papyrus is gone, you idiot. Now, just let me win!" The flower did something different this time. White pellets surrounded him, and they all shot towards Undyne. They pierced her skin and she yelled, stumbling backwards.

*Undyne, are you okay?

The human seemed a little more brave now, reaching their hand out to comfort Undyne.

"Heh, I'm fine." She muttered.

The flower held another ring of pellets around, all aimed directly at the human. "Now, I just need one human soul. Only one before I can finally get enough power to become what I was meant to be. Hold still, this is going to hurt. A LOT." The pellets were sent flying, causing the human to let out a yell.

Suddenly, smoke filled the air. An attack of bones had destroyed the pellets, causing Undyne and the human to look at Sans. "It wasn't me." He said, shrugging. The three then looked between each other, and realized just what was happening.

"Please, don't hurt my friends." Papyrus's voice sounded like two people were speaking, one of which was the flowers voice, but his voice was clearly overpowering the higher one.

"Papyrus, don't you know anything? They don't have anything to offer you. They're all just lies." The flower hissed, glaring at the group.

Undyne never wanted to slap someone across the face more.

"No, they aren't. Everything these people do, they do it for each other. No one hurts anyone. We're all a team." Papyrus tried to smile, which gave Undyne a huge grin.

The flower shook his head somehow. "I've worked so hard to get here, and I will. Not. Stop!" The last word was screamed, echoing across the plain. Papyrus winced as the flower tightened his vines, causing the three friends to cry out for their friend.

"Paps, you're going to be fine!" Sans said desperately. Even he didn't sound too sure.

"Now, listen up! The human, smiley trash bag, and fish lady are all going to die, now, or I'll kill us all!" The flower gave a crazed laugh, sending chills down Undyne's back.

"Flowey, stop!" Papyrus yelled, starting to assert more dominance. "You can't do this! There has to be another way, I'm sure of it!"

"Do you really think this isn't the only thing I've tried? I wish so hardly that I could be like I was before. But nooooo. The flower doesn't deserve feelings! It's just a flower! No need to give it a SOUL!"

Flowey sent a wave of pellets towards the human. Thankfully, they dodged. Flowey, theres good in everyone. "You just have to believe that its there. And I believe it. I know that there's some good inside of you. You showed it to me before, so why can't you show it again?"

It was very strange for Undyne, seeing the same person fighting back and forth with what was apparently themselves. She knew that somewhere deep inside the strange combination, Papyrus's soul and belief were burning wildly, dong everything possible to prevent the flower from hurting anyone more. It gave her a smile, one she bore proudly.

"Flowey, please..." Papyrus was a little weaker in saying this, although it wasn't that much different. The main difference was how desperate he sounded. Papyrus wasn't a desperate person, like how he was sounding at the moment. Everyone knew it. "There has to be something empowering you to do this. It can't just be for no reason."

"Didn't you hear? I want a human soul! I just need one more, and then we can finally break the barrier. Then their sacrifice will have been worth it." The flower said longingly.

Then the unexpected happened.

Something snapped inside the flower's head.

The flower's head drooped down to the ground, letting out a muffled cry. "C-c- I'm sorry. This is the last thing you would have wanted."

The human child approached the flower slowly.

*You don't really know what that feels like, do you Flowey?

They held a hand out, beckoning for the flower to look up, which it did.

"No, I don't..."

Undyne and Sans looked at each other. What was this kid thinking? Just a minute ago they were nearly dead by this flower's fault, and now they were comforting it?

"The kid's a strange one." Sans said, shaking his head.

*Flowey, do you want to understand?

"Yes... that's why I need your soul."

The human held their hands close to their chest, and then held them out. A bright red soul appeared in their hands.

*Then take my soul. Feelings will help you understand why we need you to end this.

Confidence Defeated: An Undertale Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now