A Difficult Choice

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All your fault.

The fact that she had caused this would haunt Undyne forever.

Part of a Royal Guard's job, especially for the captain, is to make sure that every monster is safe from any threats, whether it be human or monster.

And now Undyne couldn't protect her best friend. The one she watched out for the most, so much that she was willing to prevent his dreams from coming true out if protection, now had the threat of death lurking over his head, like a never-ending migraine.

Quickly, Undyne held her dominant hand out, reflecting a wave of bones aimed for Sans and the human with one of her spears. It quickly dematerialized as the attack came in contact, causing Undyne to become flustered.

He's so strong. Why couldn't I notice this before?

Undyne summoned an attack to retaliate, holding her hand out at Papyrus. "If you aren't going to let him go, then Ill make you. You're addressing the captain of the Royal Guard, and I refuse to be beaten."

"Oh, golly. I can't believe you've forgotten so fast! Everything that happens to me happens to your pathetic friend." As the flower said that, Undyne was able to pick out the familiar yell of her friend, causing a lump to fill her throat.

*W-we'll have to kill Papyrus before we can stop this madness. Please, no...

"Papyrus!" Undyne yelled, slowly starting to lose it. Everything was just so much, but she couldn't let it show. That wasn't the way of a captain. She had to stay strong for everyone.

Behind her, Undyne saw a light appear. Sans was now standing over the human, one of his animal-like blasters hovering in the air.

"If you think I'm going to kill Papyrus, you're mistaken. I'll never hurt him, but I sure will beat you to the breaking point." There was a small, unnoticeable quiver in Sans's voice. The only way Undyne could pick it out was because of how Papyrus would talk to her, and how she often used that same waver when trying to act calm for the sake of others.

"Oh, I would just adore to see you try. I doubt you can."

That phrase set him off. Undyne was even startled at how enraged Sans had gotten, summoning three more blasters to his side and sending them all straight at his brother.

*Please, stop fighting! We can talk this out, I'm sure of it!

The human desperately looked up to Undyne, hoping she could stop the madness. Undyne simply shook her head.

"We're far past talking now. And punk, I'm so sorry for this." Undyne lowered her head, taking a step forward.

*Wait, what are you doing? Undyne, stop! It doesn't have to be like this!

Undyne turned around, and immediately regretted it. The humans eyes were open, filled with desperation and tears. Their face was covered in dirt, some of which had turned into mud due to their crying.

All this human child wanted was for their friends to get along and not fight.

But this was impossible.

Without a word, Undyne stepped further ahead, standing next to Sans. We've got this. She nodded her head firmly, and then the two launched into action.

Papyrus lashed out with a wave of blue bones, and the two stopped in place. Blue attack. Prepare to get grounded. Sans said quickly, and just afterwards, the souls of the two monsters has turned blue. Undyne gave a small growl at this. She hated being stuck to the ground. Part of her advantage over other monsters was the amount of air she could get with a single jump. Regardless, Undyne fought as best she could, aiming for the vines and hoping that something would set her friend free.

The blue effect finally loosened, allowing Undyne to run straight forward. She charged with all her might, holding two electric blue spears. She was about to bring them down on the vines.

Then she stopped.

"Please, stop this." A soft voice cried. Undyne looked around, not recognizing the voice.

"No, I won't stop until its over!" The flower yelled. Undyne then realized who the first voice was..

She lowered her hands, letting the spears dissolve. "Papyrus?"

"Papyrus is gone, you idiot. Now, just let me win!" The flower did something different this time. White pellets surrounded him, and they all shot towards Undyne. They pierced her skin and she yelled, stumbling backwards.

*Undyne, are you okay?

The human seemed a little more brave now, reaching their hand out to comfort Undyne.

"Heh, I'm fine." She muttered.

The flower held another ring of pellets around, all aimed directly at the human. "Now, I just need one human soul. Only one before I can finally get enough power to become what I was meant to be. Hold still, this is going to hurt. A LOT. "The pellets were sent flying, causing the human to let out a yell.

Suddenly, smoke filled the air. An attack of bones had destroyed the pellets, causing Undyne and the human to look at Sans. "It wasn't me." He said, shrugging. The three then looked between each other, and realized just what was happening.

"Please, don't hurt my friends." Papyrus's voice sounded like two people were speaking, one of which was the flowers voice, but his voice was clearly overpowering the higher one.

"Papyrus, don't you know anything? They don't have anything to offer you. They're all just lies." The flower hissed, glaring at the group.

Undyne never wanted to slap someone across the face more.

"No, they aren't. Everything these people do, they do it for each other. No one hurts anyone. We're all a team." Papyrus tried to smile, which gave Undyne a huge grin.

The flower shook his head somehow. "I've worked so hard to get here, and I will. Not. Stop!" The last word was screamed, echoing across the plain. Papyrus winced as the flower tightened his vines, causing the three friends to cry out for their friend.

"Paps, you're going to be fine!" Sans said desperately. Even he didn't sound too sure.

"Now, listen up! The human, smiley trash bag, and fish lady are all going to die, now, or I'll kill us all!" The flower gave a crazed laugh, sending chills down Undyne's back.

:No, that won't be necessary, Flowey." Papyrus said calmly.

"Wait, what are you-"

Undyne didn"t quite realize it at first, but as soon as Papyrus rose his hand, it all became clear.




It was too late.

With a magical flick, Papyrus rose his strongest attack, a mound of bones rising straight up from the ground, almost impaling them both. He let out a terrifying scream, causing Sans and the human to let out a distressed cry.

Then the bones cleared.

And Papyrus collapsed on the ground.

~This note is geared towards one reader. In specific, my sister.


What's the message of Renegetale?

Don't make promises you can't keep.

I had this ending planned out LONG before you made me promise to not kill anyone. Besides, I crossed my fingers and you didn't make me do it uncrossed. >:3

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