Ten Years Later

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Frisk dashed through the ruins, her large leather pouch dangling at the side.

It's finally time.

Soon, she arrived Home, where Toriel, Sans, Undyne, and Alphys were staying for the day. Shortly after Papyrus had died years ago, Frisk had brought peace to the Underground, and convinced Toriel to open the door to the Ruins. Although trapped underground, the monsters were happy.

*Guys, its time.

Frisk slowly opened her pouch and reached inside, holding out a small, green, human soul.

*I was going to check the flowers like Mom always did, but a human had fallen, and didn't live.

Frisk gave a sad smile.

*The soul said that they were okay with it, though.

The sentence caused Frisk to flinch. Papyrus had said something almost identical when he died. Sans and Undyne knew it, too, causing them to flinch as well. She slipped the soul back into the bag.

*Their soul doesn't have nearly as much determination as mine, so it won't last as long.

Toriel looked a little saddened. Frisk had known that her adoptive mother was always sensitive to humans.

"It's a shame they had to die, but at least it was natural this time." Toriel said, remembering the other humans.

"It's a disappointment, but what they wanted. Let's waste no time." Sans said to erase the memories. "The sooner we get to the surface, the better."

Frisk nodded, and grabbed onto Sans's hand. Together, the two took a little shortcut, and were soon all the way at New Home. The two walked through the town, mostly silent. Frisk gave a small smile as she looked down at Sans. She really never could get over the fact that she was taller, finally.

"So, you're finally going home, kiddo. Must finally feel good after all these years." Sans said, trying to start a conversation.

*Please, like I ever felt this belonged on the surface. No matter what happens, I want to stay with you guys for as long as I'm around.

Sans smiled. "Frisk, is this just because you feel bad still? I've told you a thousand times, I'm okay now."

Frisk reached for the scarf around her neck impulsively, knowing exactly what Sans was referencing. It had been hard for everyone at first, but Sans still seemed to be the one to take the death the hardest.

*No, it's not that. You're all my real family. Everything thats happened is just proof of that, even Papyrus being gone now. No one alone could go through something like that. Only family can keep each other strong.

"Touché, kiddo. Touché."

So much had brought everyone to this moment. So many things had gone wrong, and not enough right had happened to balance it out.

But there was finally a rainbow at the end of the storm. And Frisk would make sure that the confidence in everyones soul would stay strong and undefeated.


Confidence Defeated: An Undertale Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now