Not What It Seems

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Frisk looked up slightly, and tried to give Sans a patient smile. He had lost the general comedic act ever since they had found Papyrus's scarf the day before. She wanted nothing more than for her friends to return, but it wasn't looking like it would happen any time soon. The group of three had been all across Snowdin at least once now, and they were about to head off to Waterfall. The whole Canine Unit knew about the situation, so they had offered to look through Snowdin again for the three.

Undyne walked ahead of the group, eager to get out of the cold and back to Waterfall, where the temperature was just right for her. Frisk and her friends had just left Snowdin town, and were walking along the clouded path that led to Waterfall. The memory of battling- and dating- Papyrus was still fresh in Frisks mind, which caused her to look to the ground, loosing the smiley act. She wondered how Papyrus was able to keep such happiness, and it gave her a little bit of a boost. If Papyrus could stay happy no matter the circumstance, then she had to as well, to keep motivation among the group high.

*Your friend's behind you, ready to help find the one missing, it fills you with DETERMINATION.

Frisk heard those words, the message of determination as firm in her head as normal. This put a little pep in her step and a smile on her face as the path grew more cloudy, and another set of footsteps was heard.

Frisk perked her head up and looked ahead. A vague shadow was appearing through the fog, one that she couldn't recognize. It was strange; she could recognize most of the monsters that lived in Waterfall or Snowdin.


Frisk's timid voice echoed across the area, causing Undyne and Sans to stop. Frisk slowly approached the newcomer, wishing to welcome them to Snowdin. As she got closer, she heard some very vague dialogue between the newcomer and themselves?

*A-are you alright?

Frisk gave a small head tilt, thoroughly confused. Monster were weird sometimes, but not to the point where they spoke to themselves.

Finally, the shadow grew distinctable, and Frisks face lightened up with joy.


Her voice was loud and crisp, grabbing the attention of Sans and Undyne. What?! They both said, almost yelling.

"Kid, you're joking, right?" Sans asked, worry lining his words. Frisk firmly nodded.

*Why would you doubt this? Shouldn't you be happy?

Frisk dashed ahead, running to hug her friend. As she approached, the voices grew louder, causing her to slow down.

"-want to!"

"You have-.."

"HUMAN?" That was the only word she could make out. It sounded enough like Papyrus, but there was something about the voice that sent shivers down Frisk's back. "PLEASE, RUN!" Papyrus shouted as loud as he could, clearly distressed. All was clear as soon as the fog cleared up.

*N-no! Papyrus, what happened?!

Frisk couldn't move, she was so shocked. It was Papyrus, that was for certain. His armor was dented in several spots, and the visible areas on his arms were bruised and scarred. Anything else was covered by thorny vines, wrapping around his whole body. Instead of a red scarf, a larger vine replaced it. There was a large crack on the left side of his skull, but it was partially covered up by Frisks worst nightmare.

"Howdy! You didn't forget about me, didja?" Flowey had a grin on his face, causing Frisk to just stare in fear.

Flowey had tried to kill her not too long ago.

And now he had possessed her best friend.

She had no idea how to react. Was she furious with Flowey for ruining her friends life? Terrified over the power he now possessed? Or was it something else?

Regardless of how she actually felt (she still had no idea), Frisk fell to the ground and started crying.

*Why?... Why you?

Frisk closed her eyes, feeling them get wetter and wetter. She had to stay strong. She had to stay determined.

But how?

Frisk felt a harsh tug on her sweater and then the world went dark suddenly. Light returned in a few seconds, but she was now several yards away from Papyrus, Sans holding tight onto her defensively.

"Look, I don't know what in the world you want, but is torturing a little kid and possessing an innocent person really the way to go about this?" Sans asked. "If I were you, I'd get out of my brother's body and running as fast as I could NOW." Frisk looked up to her skeleton friend, and he had such an unreadable face. The only thing that was for certain was that he was furious, his eye flaming so blue, Frisk could feel some of the heat.

"Sorry, smiley trash bag! No can do! You'll just have to fight me. Oh, and one little thing! Anything you do to hurt me, it's gonna hurt Papyrus too. Even more than it already does! You might even kill him!" Flowey's face grew into an unsettling grin.

Frisk saw her soul appear, a dull red color now. All that determination from before, it had vanished in an instant. How did one small thing crush her so much?

The thought had to be shaken out as Frisk quickly dodged the first attack. She only knew one thing right now.

And that was that everyones lives were on the line right now.


This is escalating VERY quickly.

I wonder how it will turn out?

Confidence Defeated: An Undertale Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now