Change Of Plans

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Undyne lay awake in Papyrus's room, staring at the ceiling. Since he was still gone, she had taken advantage of this fact and decided to sleep in her friend's bed instead of the old couch downstairs.

Even if it was nice and relaxing, she was still worried. It had been twelve hours since anyone had seen Papyrus, the longest he had ever gone without staying in touch with anyone for awhile. It didn't help that he had left his phone at the house.


Undyne looked over and saw one of the two phones laying on the bedside table light up. She noticed it as Papyrus's, and an unfamiliar number displayed on the screen. She picked it up, and heard a frantic voice on the other side.

*Papyrus? Where are you? I've been trying to find you for ten hours now. Sans and Undyne and I are-

"Kid?" Undyne asked. "That you?"

*Oh, Undyne! Sorry, I started rambling.

"Yeah, its okay nerd. We're all a little worried right now."

*Undyne, is he going to be okay? It's been way too long without hearing from Papyrus. What if he got hurt? What if he needs us?

Undyne faintly heard some crying on the other end. This human really does care about us. Theres no reason. All we've done is hurt. Why?

"Nerd, listen. Its going to be fine. Why don't you take a ride from the river person back to Snowdin and stay here for tonight. We can put your trip to the castle on hold for now." Undyne said.

*I'd like that...

"Then that;s settled! See you in a bit." Undyne hung up the phone and swung to her feet. She got out of the room and went down the hall, knocking on Sans's door. Soon, he opened it.

"Is something wrong? Besides, you know..." Sans asked, trailing at the end.

"The human called. They want to stay here for the night. They're worried about your brother." Undyne told him. "I just thought that they might want to talk to you. From what I've heard, the human really likes you."

"So that's it? Whens the kid gonna be coming? I'll make sure to talk with them for a bit."

"They'll be here soon. I told them to take a ride with the river person." Undyne started heading down the hall, but then turned around. "Sans, you're okay, right? I mean, this all has to suck for you."

"I'm fine. Trust me, if I was worried, you'd know. He'll be back tomorrow." Sans reassured Undyne. "If not, then someone's in for a bad time."

"Whatever you say, Sans." Undyne didn't sound too convinced, but she walked away regardless.

Welp, I was busy yesterday, so I missed all the updates. Oops. Howsabout I make it up for you by posting yesterday and today's updates? Sounds good to me! I've got editing to do on both parts yet, but they'll be up within like 20 mins!

Confidence Defeated: An Undertale Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now