A Crazy Game

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Papyrus opened his eyes, pain coursing through his body. He didn't remember why he was here, but he did know one thing- no one he knew was nearby.

Something tight was wrapped around his chest, and he looked down, seeing green vines?

It didn't make sense at all. Papyrus wasn't sure what to make of it. It would probably help if he had known what events had led him to that spot, but those memories were no where to be found.

That is, until a certain flower approached him.

"Howdy!" The high-pitched voice declared. "How are you doing, friend?"

The voice brought everything back.

I don't think I'll ever let Papyrus into the Royal Guard

*Papyrus, where are you?

Sans, Undyne! Help?

Golly, isn't that a shame?

"Flowey, what are you doing?" Papyrus asked, a strange sense of nervousness rolling down his back. He didn't get nervous all that often, but when he did, it was a terrible feeling that could never end up going away. Not until someone, like Sans or Undyne or even the human child, came as a comfort. But he knew, somehow, that he wouldn't be seeing those three for a long time.

"Buddy, isn't it obvious? I'm making you a Royal Guardsmen!" Flowey grinned, flicking his left leaf in the air. "It'll just have to be more of an inconvenience than if we could have let things turn pop out a little differently. Now, hold still. This might hurt."

Flowey's face warped back to the one of pure evil, dark and grinning manically. He sent a small pellet into the air, and it pierced the back of Papyrus's skull, causing him to scream.

"Aww, thats no way to react, friend!" Flowey said, almost too happy. "After all, there's nothing you can do to stop me." Flowey laughed, sending another pellet in the air. Papyrus yelled again.

"Flowey, stop!" Papyrus said, stressed. "This is really starting to hurt."

"Why, Papyrus, that's the point! If you're ever going to become part of the Royal Guard, you need to go through a little bit of pain." Flowey dug below the surface after saying this, then his voice appeared behind Papyrus. "Don't worry, friend. I'm not going to kill you or anything. This will just hurt. A LOT." Flowey's laugh grew even more insane with that last phrase as he sent one last pellet. Papyrus was certain that there was now a decent-sized hole in the back of his head. It ached beyond any words, and he had no time to think about it.

As soon as he let those thoughts pass through his head, Papyrus lurched back, yelling again. Somehow, Flowey had forced his way through the small hole, sending a sharp sensation throughout his whole body. He didn't know what to make of it.

When no one else would listen, Flowey patiently sat and listened to everything Papyrus had to offer. He'd even offer support during hard times, and had proved to become very meaningful to Papyrus. Now, it was all being completely betrayed.

"Oh, was it not apparent enough? Betrayal is everywhere in the real world, Papyrus. After all, its k i l l  o r  b e  k i l l e d."

"How did you know?" Papyrus asked weakly, completely confused.

"Oh, did you not realize it yet? You and I, we're the same person now. I control you, Papyrus. You're my pawn in this game now. Now, I think its time that we pay your captain-friend a visit, what about you?"

Papyrus felt himself standing up, despite how horrible it felt. Every impulse of his body told Papyrus to just stay still, and maybe this would pass, but he couldn't stop. No matter how much he cried out, the pain wouldn't stop. He felt vines wrapping around his arms and legs as Flowey let go of the ground, taking root by wrapping his vines around Papyrus's arms and legs.

"This feels amazing, being able to walk without having to drag along the ground!" Papyrus felt his mouth move when speaking these words, the voice a strange and shivering combination of his own and Flowey's. "Let's go see smiley trash bag and fish lady. I think that's a wonderful idea."

Papyrus no longer had any control. All he could do was nod along, playing Flowey's sick game.

Please don't hurt them. They're all I have...

I posted a message on my wall saying why these updates were late but I'll tell you all here- I was grounded xD. I'm only going to be posting 3 chapters tonight instead of the four y'all deserve; for dramatic effect. Including the three updates today, that's five more parts. Last part and epilogue tomorrow. I'll be updating the parts as they're edited! Every time I transfer the text, there's a glitch that removes all apostrophes, italics,  and quotation marks. So editing takes like ten minutes per part and it shouldn't.

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